英/ ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən /美/ ˌkɑːzməˈpɑːlɪtən /
Mr. Grose was the archetypal foreign correspondent: cosmopolitan, educated, able to write with sweep about world events or to zero in on the telling detail.
—New York Times
He absorbed the growing cosmopolitan world with a shrug and a smirk.
—Washington Post
“There must be no place for hate and exclusion in Vienna. Our city is colorful and cosmopolitan,” Michael Ludwig said, according to Austrian news agency APA.
“维也纳决不能有仇恨和排斥的地方。据奥地利通讯社 APA 报道,迈克尔·路德维希 (Michael Ludwig) 表示:“我们的城市色彩缤纷、国际化。”
—Washington Times
composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world; especially not provincial in attitudes or interests
ecumenical,general,oecumenical,universal,world-wide,worldwide,widely distributed,cosmopolite
People who are cosmopolitan have an air of glamour surrounding them, a sense that they’ve seen a lot of the world and are sophisticated and at ease with all different kinds of people. Places can also be described as cosmopolitan, meaning “diverse,” or bustling with lots of people of varying nationalities. Any way you use it, cosmopolitan implies a sophistication, which might explain why both a well-known alcoholic cocktail and a famous women’s magazine are both named after the word cosmopolitan.
People who are cosmopolitan have an air of glamour surrounding them, a sense that they’ve seen a lot of the world and are sophisticated and at ease with all different kinds of people. Places can also be described as cosmopolitan, meaning “diverse,” or bustling with lots of people of varying nationalities. Any way you use it, cosmopolitan implies a sophistication, which might explain why both a well-known alcoholic cocktail and a famous women’s magazine are both named after the word cosmopolitan.
Eva is the kind of perennially aggrieved cosmopolitan who in movies is depicted aggressively slapping on body lotion before bed.
—The Plight of the Aggrieved, Rich Manhattan Liberal by ???
The rising popularity of midwifery among cosmopolitan women also coincides with larger cultural shifts toward all things natural, whether it’s organic foods, raw diets or homeopathic remedies.
—The Midwife Becomes a Status Symbol for the Hip by DANIELLE PERGAMENT
One way or another, it was too much to expect that the French would interpret them as a sign of the cosmopolitan diversity of the contemporary American kitchen.
—| Ralph’s in Paris by ???
cosmopolitan (adj.)1815, “free from local, provincial, or national prejudices and attachments,” from cosmopolite “citizen of the world” (q.v.) on model of metropolitan. From 1833 as “belonging to all parts of the world, limited to no place or society.” Meaning “composed of people of all nations, multi-ethnic” is from 1840. The U.S. women’s magazine of the same name was first published in 1886.As a noun, “one who is at home all over the world, a cosmopolite,” 1640s. As the name of a vodka-based cocktail popular in 1990s (due to “Sex and the City” TV program) from late 1980s (the drink itself seems to date to the 1970s).Cosmopolitanism in reference to an ideology that considers all humans as a single community is recorded by 1828. It took on a negative tinge in mid-20c., suggesting an undermining of indigenous and national societies and often tied to the supposed influence of the Jews.Related entries & more
cosmopolitan (adj.)1815,“不受地方、省级或国家偏见和依恋的影响”,源自大都市模式下的世界公民“世界公民”(qv)。从1833年起“属于世界各地,不限于任何地方或社会”。意思是“由各国人民、多种族的人组成”,源自1840年。美国同名妇女杂志于1886年首次出版。作为名词,“一个在世界各地都自在的人,一个世界公民”, 1640年代。作为一种在 20 世纪 90 年代流行的伏特加鸡尾酒的名称(由于“欲望都市”电视节目),从 80 年代末开始(这种饮料本身似乎可以追溯到 1970 年代)。世界主义指的是一种认为所有人类都是平等的意识形态到 1828 年,有一个单一社区的记录。它在 20 世纪中期呈现出负面色彩,表明土著和民族社会受到破坏,并且常常与犹太人的所谓影响力联系在一起。相关条目及更多
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