单词详解 | abstain



Mr. Menendez said the Russian Embassy in Washington is holding cocktail parties that draw in diplomats from Southern Hemisphere countries that then oppose or abstain from resolutions that support Ukraine.
Washington Times

Ceccarelli explained that Romans traditionally abstained from meat throughout the period of Lent — a substantial block of tripe-free days for a population so under its spell.
Washington Post

More than a dozen African countries have abstained from United Nations votes to condemn Russia or to call for its withdrawal from Ukraine, with a handful voting in support of Moscow.
New York Times

choose not to partake in or consume
v. 弃权,不投票;戒除,抑制;离开,回避


Roots of the word abstain are from the 14th-century French, “to withhold oneself,” and the word often refers to people who hold themselves back from indulging in habits that are bad for them, physically or morally. Abstain can also mean to withhold a vote, and sometimes a difficult decision is stalled when government representatives abstain from voting one way or another.

Roots of the word abstain are from the 14th-century French, “to withhold oneself,” and the word often refers to people who hold themselves back from indulging in habits that are bad for them, physically or morally. Abstain can also mean to withhold a vote, and sometimes a difficult decision is stalled when government representatives abstain from voting one way or another.
“abstain”这个词的词根来自 14 世纪的法语,意思是“克制自己”,这个词通常指那些阻止自己沉迷于对身体或道德有害的习惯的人。弃权也可能意味着保留投票,有时,当政府代表以某种方式弃权时,一项艰难的决定就会陷入停滞。

Those who I do still see from time to time usually choose to abstain when we’re together.
Nobody likes a quitter by ???

It was also a way for the group to stay accountable to their stated mission of abstaining from calories, especially as the hunger strike wore on.
No justice, no feast: How hunger strikers are keeping the protest over Breonna Taylor’s death alive by Ashlie D. Stevens

My treatment team advised me to abstain from all exercise until my weight was stable and the worst urges to compulsively exercise eventually passed.
Exercising my demons by ???

abstain (v.)late 14c., “avoid (something); refrain (oneself) from; keep free from sin or vice; live austerely, practice abstinence or asceticism; be sexually continent,” from Old French abstiner, abstenir (14c.), earlier astenir (13c.) “hold (oneself) back, refrain voluntarily, abstain (from what satisfies the passions), practice abstinence,” from Latin abstinere “withhold, keep back, keep off,” from assimilated form of ab “off, away from” (see ab-) + tenere “to hold” (from PIE root *ten- “to stretch”). Specifically of liquor from late 14c. Meaning “refrain from voting” is from 1796. Related: Abstained; abstaining.Related entries & more

禁欲(v.)晚期14c.,“避免(某事);克制(自己);远离罪恶或恶习;生活简朴,实行禁欲或禁欲主义;性欲节制”,来自古法语abstiner,abstenir(14c.) ),早期的 astenir(13c.)“抑制(自己)退缩,自愿克制,放弃(满足激情的事物),实行禁欲”,来自拉丁语abstinere“保留,保留,阻止”,来自 ab 的同化形式“ off,远离”(参见 ab-)+ tenere “保持”(来自 PIE 根 *ten- “伸展”)。特别是 14 世纪末的酒。 “避免投票”的意思源自 1796 年。弃权。相关条目及更多

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