But it is likely to get more difficult to refrain from wading into the Trump situation.
—New York Times
Much the way Mr. Putin has refrained from enacting multiple conscriptions of soldiers to avert prompting antiwar sentiment, the Kremlin has left parents some leeway to avoid propaganda lessons.
—New York Times
Ukrainian officials have mostly refrained from complaining about broken equipment, so as not to embarrass their benefactors.
—New York Times
resist doing something
v. 克制,避免
It’s usually hard to refrain from doing something: you might find it difficult to refrain from eating dessert after dinner, for example — especially when your aunt makes her double chocolate chunk brownies. The Latin word refrēnāre is formed from the prefix re-, “back,” plus frēnāre, “to hold a horse back with a bridle.” No need to hold back when using refrain as a noun; it’s the part of a song or poem that repeats.
当有人在安静的教室里打嗝时,很难抑制住笑声。如果你突然有想做某事的冲动,但又阻止了自己做某事,请使用动词 refrain。
It’s usually hard to refrain from doing something: you might find it difficult to refrain from eating dessert after dinner, for example — especially when your aunt makes her double chocolate chunk brownies. The Latin word refrēnāre is formed from the prefix re-, “back,” plus frēnāre, “to hold a horse back with a bridle.” No need to hold back when using refrain as a noun; it’s the part of a song or poem that repeats.
通常很难不做某事:例如,您可能会发现很难在晚餐后不吃甜点,尤其是当您的阿姨制作双层巧克力块布朗尼时。拉丁语单词 refrēnāre 由前缀 re-(“后背”)加上 frēnāre(“用缰绳拴住马”)组成。使用 refrain 作为名词时无需犹豫;它是歌曲或诗歌中重复的部分。
You know the refrain he uses sometimes in his sermons?
—Taste of Salt: A Story of Modern Haiti by Frances Temple
I wanted to ask; but that was a question at present without an answer, and I refrained.
—Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya
If the song was being done properly, with both a man and a woman alternating the verses, the song was further complicated by the female’s counter harmony in the refrains.
—The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
refrain (v.)mid-14c., refreinen, transitive, “exercise control over, restrain; hold (someone or something) back from action,” senses now obsolete, also “exercise control over” (thoughts, desires, feelings, vices, etc.); from Old French refraigner, refrener, refreiner “restrain, repress, keep in check” (12c., Modern French réfréner).This is from Latin refrenare “to bridle, hold in with a bit, check, curb, keep down, control,” from re- “back” (see re-) + frenare “restrain, furnish with a bridle,” from frenum “a bridle,” a word of uncertain etymology (de Vaan supports a theory that it is connected to fretus “relying on”).The classical spelling was restored in French but not in English. In Middle English chiefly transitive. Intransitive sense of “forbear, keep oneself (from)” is from mid-15c. Reflexive sense of “control oneself, put restraint upon oneself” is from late 14c. Related: Refrained; refraining.Related entries & more
refrain (v.)mid-14c., refreinen, 及物,“行使控制,抑制;阻止(某人或某事)采取行动”,感觉现在已经过时了,也“行使控制”(思想、欲望、感觉、恶习) , ETC。);源自古法语 refrenare、refrener、refreiner “抑制、压抑、控制”(12c.,现代法语 réfréner)。这来自拉丁语 refrenare “to bridle,稍微按住,检查,遏制,抑制,控制, ” 源自 re- “后背”(参见 re-)+ frenare “约束,用缰绳装饰”,源自 frenum “缰绳”,一个词源不确定的词(de Vaan 支持一种理论,认为它与 fretus “依赖于”)。法语中恢复了古典拼写,但英语中没有恢复。在中古英语中主要为及物动词。不及物意义“forbear, keep myself (from)”是从15世纪中期开始的。 “控制自己、约束自己”的反射意识是从14世纪末开始的。相关:克制;克制。相关条目及更多
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