单词详解 | fume



After meeting in January with Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Republicans and Democrats fumed over the administration’s decision to stonewall senators over key details behind the classified documents.
Washington Times

City Council members fumed that the mayor, who was then seeking re-election, had left them out of negotiations.
New York Times

The claim stirred to action the Freedom Caucus, which was already fuming that Mr. McCarthy had used Democratic votes to pass the debt limit deal over their opposition.
Washington Times

a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas
v. 发怒,生气;冒气(或烟、汽);熏(尤指木材)


As a verb, fume is usually used figuratively to mean “to feel very angry,” whereas as a noun, it is used more as its Latin root fumus “smoke, steam, vapor.” A strong-smelling gas, smoke or vapor is also called a fume. In cartoons, when a character is fuming, it is often drawn with fumes coming out of its ears. You may fume about the inconsiderate person who sits in the car with the engine running, spewing clouds of exhaust fumes.

As a verb, fume is usually used figuratively to mean “to feel very angry,” whereas as a noun, it is used more as its Latin root fumus “smoke, steam, vapor.” A strong-smelling gas, smoke or vapor is also called a fume. In cartoons, when a character is fuming, it is often drawn with fumes coming out of its ears. You may fume about the inconsiderate person who sits in the car with the engine running, spewing clouds of exhaust fumes.
作为动词,fume 通常被比喻为“感到非常生气”,而作为名词,它更多地用作其拉丁语词根 fumus “烟雾、蒸汽、蒸气”。有强烈气味的气体、烟雾或蒸气也称为烟雾。在漫画中,当一个角色发怒时,通常会画出耳朵里冒烟的样子。您可能会对坐在发动机运转的汽车中喷出大量废气的不体贴的人感到愤怒。

His lips were parted, and his breath reeked with foul, sour fumes.
Forged by Fire by Sharon M. Draper

I bucked against his grip, struggling to break free even as the pungent, sickly sweet fumes clouded my thoughts.
The City Beautiful by Aden Polydoros

“I go now. Don’t effer call me again,” he had fumed.
Hoot by Carl Hiaasen

fume (n.)late 14c., “vapor, odorous vapor; exhalation,” from Old French fum “smoke, steam, vapor, breath, aroma, scent” (12c.), from Latin fumus “smoke, steam, fume, old flavor” (source also of Italian fumo, Spanish humo), from PIE root *dheu- (1) “dust, vapor, smoke.”In old medicine, an “exhalation” of the body that produces emotions, dreams, sloth, etc; later especially of smokes or vapors that go to the head and affect the senses with a narcotic or stifling quality.Related entries & more

fume (n.)late 14c.,“蒸气,有气味的蒸气;呼气”,源自古法语 fum“烟雾,蒸汽,蒸汽,呼吸,香气,香味”(12c.),源自拉丁语 fumus“烟雾,蒸汽,烟雾,老味道”(也是意大利语 fumo、西班牙语 humo 的来源),来自 PIE 词根 *dheu- (1) “灰尘、蒸汽、烟雾。”在古老的医学中,身体的“呼气”产生情绪、梦想、懒惰、 ETC;后来尤其是烟雾或蒸气进入头部并以麻醉或令人窒息的质量影响感官。相关条目及更多

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