In the oppressive heat of a Le Mans summer day, the soft moss saps energy from the air.
While both sides have sustained heavy losses, military experts and Ukrainian authorities say that Russian casualties have been far higher and have sapped Moscow’s ability to pursue its broader offensive in the east.
—New York Times
The Washington area has entered a moderate drought, which helps sap moisture from the air we breathe.
—Washington Post
a watery solution of sugars, salts, and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a plant
n. (植物的)汁,液;<非正式>傻瓜,容易上当的人;元气,活力;<史>(用以偷袭设防场所的)坑道,地道;大头短棒,棍棒
fool,muggins,saphead,tomfool,blackjack,cosh,exhaust,play out,run down,tire
Whether used as a noun or verb, sap is rarely a good thing. If your energy or will is sapped, it’s not meant lightly; it means you have been exhausted of all your reserve energy, you’re reduced to a shell. If someone calls you “a sap,” it suggests you lack strength and character. And if you get sap — the sticky liquid inside a tree — on your hands, good luck getting it off in the middle of a forest without a bar of soap and running water. Yuck.
To sap something 就是随着时间的推移耗尽或耗尽某些东西。如果你给一棵枫树树枝,你会排出里面的液体来制作枫糖浆。但是,如果你削弱了一个人的力量,你就使他毫无防备。
Whether used as a noun or verb, sap is rarely a good thing. If your energy or will is sapped, it’s not meant lightly; it means you have been exhausted of all your reserve energy, you’re reduced to a shell. If someone calls you “a sap,” it suggests you lack strength and character. And if you get sap — the sticky liquid inside a tree — on your hands, good luck getting it off in the middle of a forest without a bar of soap and running water. Yuck.
无论用作名词还是动词,sap 都不是什么好东西。如果你的精力或意志被削弱,那不是轻率的;这意味着你已经耗尽了所有的储备能量,你变成了一个空壳。如果有人称你为“笨蛋”,则表明你缺乏力量和品格。如果你的手上沾上了树液——树里的粘稠液体,祝你好运,在没有肥皂和流水的情况下,在森林中央把它弄下来。呸。
“But for a maple tree, that’s young yet. Plenty of sap left for another hundred years.”
—Miracles on Maple Hill by Virginia Sorensen
“It’s from the sap,” he told her, and rubbed the salve onto the lesions.
—Messenger by Lois Lowry
That was known as the best kind of year for maple sap.
—The Birchbark House by Louise Erdrich
sap (n.1)”juice or fluid which circulates in plants, the blood of plant life,” Middle English sap, from Old English sæp, from Proto-Germanic *sapam (source also of Middle Low German, Middle Dutch, Dutch sap, Old High German saf, and, with unetymological -t, German Saft “juice”). This is reconstructed to be from PIE root *sab- “juice, fluid” (source also of Sanskrit sabar- “sap, milk, nectar,” Irish sug, Russian soku “sap,” Lithuanian sakas “tree-gum”). As a verb meaning “to drain the sap from,” by 1725.Related entries & more
sap (n.1)“在植物中循环的汁液或液体,植物生命的血液”,中古英语 sap,源自古英语 sæp,源自原始日耳曼语 *sapam(也源自中古低地德语、中古荷兰语、荷兰语 sap , 古高地德语 saf,以及带有非词源性 -t 的德语 Saft“juice”)。这被重构为来自 PIE 词根 *sab-“果汁、液体”(也源自梵语 sabar-“汁液、牛奶、花蜜”、爱尔兰语 sug、俄语 soku“汁液”、立陶宛语 sakas“树胶”)。 1725 年作为动词意思是“从中吸取汁液”。相关条目及更多
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