单词详解 | sewer

美音:/ˈsuːər/,英音:/ˈsuːə(r); ˈsjuːə(r)/


Both said the area never severely flooded until a sanitary sewer system replaced septic tanks 10 years ago, making some streets higher than others and channeling rain onto lower roads.
两人都表示,在 10 年前卫生下水道系统取代化粪池之前,该地区从未发生过严重的洪水,导致一些街道比其他街道高,并将雨水引到较低的道路上。
Washington Times

Some of Wales’ current sewer infrastructure dates back to the Victorian era.

The force is also extracting gas samples from sewers in the area in an effort to identify the gas, she said.
New York Times

a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water
n. 下水道,阴沟;缝纫工,缝纫机;(中世纪贵族宅邸中的)司膳管家


After you take a shower, or wash dishes, or flush the toilet, that used waste water runs through pipes away from your house. It travels either to a small septic system, or to a larger, city-wide sewer system, where it’s treated to make it safe and clean enough to release into the environment. The origin of sewer can be traced to the Old North French sewiere, “sluice from a pond,” or “something that makes water flow.”

After you take a shower, or wash dishes, or flush the toilet, that used waste water runs through pipes away from your house. It travels either to a small septic system, or to a larger, city-wide sewer system, where it’s treated to make it safe and clean enough to release into the environment. The origin of sewer can be traced to the Old North French sewiere, “sluice from a pond,” or “something that makes water flow.”
在你淋浴、洗碗或冲马桶后,用过的废水会通过管道从你家流走。它要么进入一个小型化粪池系统,要么进入一个更大的、覆盖全市的下水道系统,在那里经过处理以使其安全和清洁到足以释放到环境中。下水道的起源可以追溯到古老的北法语 sewiere,“池塘的水闸”,或“使水流动的东西”。

I imagined that human remains didn’t look much different than animal parts after a week in the waste pit or the Stockyards’ communal sewer.
我想象在垃圾坑或 Stockyards 的公共下水道中待了一个星期后,人类遗骸看起来与动物器官没有太大区别。
The City Beautiful by Aden Polydoros

A utility out of Bluefield snapped up the sewer and the water lines, and within a month, the people in Coalwood started receiving bills for what they had always thought was naturally free.
Bluefield 的一家公用事业公司抢购了下水道和供水管线,一个月内,Coalwood 的人们开始收到他们一直认为自然免费的账单。
October Sky by Homer Hickam

More so, because despite its toxicity, the mutts begin to throw themselves into the foul sewer.
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

sewer (n.1)c. 1400, seuer, “conduit, trench, or ditch used for drainage” (of surface water or marshland), from Anglo-French sewere (early 14c.), Old North French sewiere “sluice from a pond” (13c.), literally “something that makes water flow.” From late 13c. in surnames (Robertus Atte Suor). Also compare Anglo-Latin sewera, suera. These are from a shortened form of Gallo-Roman *exaquaria (source of Old French esseveur), from Latin ex “out” (see ex-) + aquaria, fem. of aquarius “pertaining to water,” from aqua “water” (from PIE root *akwa- “water”). For form evolution, compare ewer, from Latin aquarius.After c. 1600 the sense of “underground channel for wastewater” emerged and predomination, especially “a public drain; a conduit or canal constructed to carry off waste water, etc.” Figurative use of this is from 1640s. Sewer rat, the common brown rat when infesting sewers, is from 1861.Related entries & more

下水道(n.1)c。 1400, seuer,“用于排水的管道、沟渠或沟渠”(地表水或沼泽地),来自英法 sewere(14 世纪初),古北法语 sewiere“池塘的水闸”(13 世纪),字面意思“能让水流动的东西。”从 13 世纪末开始。在姓氏中(Robertus Atte Suor)。还要比较盎格鲁-拉丁语的 sewera、suera。这些来自高卢罗马语 *exaquaria(古法语 esseveur 的来源)的缩写形式,来自拉丁语 ex“out”(参见 ex-)+ aquaria,fem。水瓶座“与水有关”,来自 aqua“水”(来自 PIE 词根 *akwa-“水”)。对于形式演变,比较 ewer,来自拉丁语 aquarius。在 c 之后。 1600 年出现了“废水地下通道”的概念并占主导地位,尤其是“公共排水沟;为排出废水而建造的管道或运河等”。这个的比喻使用是从 1640 年代开始的。下水道老鼠是 1861 年滋生下水道时常见的棕鼠。相关条目及更多

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