Westminster Abbey has released the words and music of the Vivat acclamations and, for the first time, they will be sung by girls as well as boys.
威斯敏斯特教堂已经发布了 Vivat 鼓掌的歌词和音乐,并且将首次由女孩和男孩一起演唱。
It was possible Wednesday’s vote would be by acclamation, forgoing the secret ballot roll call set by party rules.
—Washington Times
Other races appeared even less competitive: After years of speculation concerning whether the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, would face a credible left-wing challenge, he was renominated for his seat by acclamation on Thursday.
—New York Times
enthusiastic approval
n. 欢呼,喝彩;鼓掌欢呼表示通过
Acclamation is acclaim or recognition for some achievement. A major league baseball team might have to win the World Series to get acclamation, but a t-ball team might get acclamation simply for finishing an entire game.
The acclamation you get on opening night might be your main incentive for acting in plays. Likewise, the acclamation they receive while campaigning is probably more attractive to some politicians than the actual work of governing. Acclamation can sometimes take the form of enthusiastic shouting, and in fact the Latin root acclamationem means “a shout of approval.”
你在开幕之夜获得的掌声可能是你演戏的主要动力。同样,对于一些政治家来说,他们在竞选期间获得的喝彩可能比实际的执政工作更有吸引力。鼓掌有时可以采取热情喊叫的形式,事实上,拉丁词根 acclamationem 的意思是“赞同的呼喊”。
While I’m not sure taking off your shoes in a strange hotel room and swallowing too many sleeping pills is what I would call dying valiantly and with acclamation, it’s the thought that counts.
—All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
After a bruising primary battle against then-New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, she called for Obama to be selected by acclamation in a show of party unity on the convention floor.
在与当时的纽约州参议员希拉里·克林顿 (Hillary Clinton) 进行了激烈的初选战斗后,她呼吁在大会场上以鼓掌方式选出奥巴马,以示党内团结。
—Watch 40 years of Republican and Democratic convention speeches by Andrew Craft
In 1972, when Chaplin’s visit caused a frenzy of public attention and acclamation, The New York Times noted Mr. Rothman’s behind-the-scenes role.
1972 年,当卓别林的到访引起公众的狂热关注和喝彩时,《纽约时报》注意到了罗斯曼先生在幕后的作用。
—Mo Rothman, 92, Entrepreneur Close to Charlie Chaplin, Dies at 92 by PAUL VITELLO
acclamation (n.)1540s, “act of shouting or applauding in approval,” from Latin acclamationem (nominative acclamatio) “a calling, exclamation, shout of approval,” noun of action from past-participle stem of acclamare “to call to, cry out at, shout approval or disapproval of,” from assimilated form of ad “to, toward” (see ad-) + clamare “cry out” (from PIE root *kele- (2) “to shout”). As a method of spontaneous approval of resolutions, etc., by unanimous voice vote, by 1801, probably from the French Revolution.Related entries & more
acclamation (n.)1540s,“呼喊或鼓掌表示赞同的行为”,来自拉丁语 acclamationem(主格 acclamatio)“呼唤、感叹、赞同的呼喊”,来自 acclamare 的过去分词词干的动作名词“呼唤, cry out at, shout approval or disapproval of,” 来自同化形式的广告“to, toward”(见广告-)+ clamare “cry out”(来自 PIE 词根 *kele- (2) “to shout”)。作为自发批准决议等的一种方法,通过一致投票表决,到 1801 年,可能来自法国大革命。相关条目及更多
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