- angler
- antler
含义:n. 钓鱼;琵琶鱼;钓鱼者;用不正当手段谋取好处的人
英文短含义:If you go fishing with a rod and a fishing line with a hook at the end of it, you’re an angler. An angler might fish off the end of a dock, or from a rowboat in the middle of a lake./
英文长含义:Anglers are distinguished by the fact that they fish with metal hooks, and they often release the fish they catch. You can also call one type of fish an angler, short for anglerfish, a big-headed, relatively small-bodied fish. Angler was originally a last name, and came to mean “fisherman” by about 1500, from the verb angle, “fish with a hook,” from the Old English angel, which means “angle,” but also “fishhook.”
垂钓者的特点是他们用金属鱼钩钓鱼,而且他们经常把钓到的鱼放生。您也可以将一种鱼称为琵琶鱼,是琵琶鱼的缩写,一种大头、相对较小的鱼。 Angler 最初是一个姓氏,大约在 1500 年时意思是“渔夫”,来自古英语天使的动词 angle,“带钩的鱼”,意思是“角”,也有“鱼钩”的意思。
例句1:“I’m in pain! So much pain!” the angler fish said, gasping loudly.
– from Healer of the Water Monster
例句2:“Overall the anglers were happy but participation was lower than last year.”
– from Plenty of quality catches on lowland lakes trout opening day
例句3:“Where are you? Where are you?” the angler fish said.
– from Healer of the Water Monster
含义:n. 鹿角,茸角;多叉鹿角
英文短含义:An antler is one of a pair of horns that belong to most members of the deer family. An antler is usually curved and has branches./
英文长含义:Antlers come in pairs: there are two antlers coming out of a deer’s head. Antlers are branched like a tree limb, and some are very long and large. The elk is an animal with impressive antlers. Antlers look intimidating and can be used as a weapon by the deer when head-butting. Only the males have antlers in most species.
例句1:His antlers were just growing in, still small and coated in velvet.
– from The Hunger Games
例句2:A buck pranced out of the vegetation, tossed his antlers, then splashed into the river.
– from Pax
例句3:She dreamt of red hearts burning, and a black stag in a golden wood with flame streaming from his antlers.
– from A Dance with Dragons
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