Cue up Davis’s most ravenous album, “They Say I’m Different,” and you’ll hear an expert array of sneers, grunts, howls and other sounds made by a woman giving her all, wanting even more.
调出 Davis 最令人欲罢不能的专辑“They Say I’m Different”,你会听到专家级的冷笑、咕哝、嚎叫和其他声音,这些声音是由一个女人付出她的一切,甚至想要更多。
—Washington Post
The townspeople, in turn, erupted into a ravenous riot.
—Washington Post
When the U.S. government cracked down on the U.S. opioid industry starting in 2005, it choked off street supplies of prescription narcotics but left behind a ravenous market.
当美国政府从 2005 年开始打击美国阿片类药物行业时,它切断了街头处方麻醉品的供应,但留下了一个贪婪的市场。
—Washington Post
extremely hungry
adj. 贪婪的;渴望的;狼吞虎咽的
A ravenous person feels like they haven’t eaten in days and could probably finish off 10 pizzas without help. So ravenous is not a good state to be in when you go grocery shopping.
一个贪得无厌的人感觉自己好几天没吃东西了,很可能可以在没有帮助的情况下吃掉 10 个比萨饼。所以当你去杂货店购物时,贪婪不是一个好的状态。
Back in the early 15th century, you would have been called ravenous if you were greedy and obsessed with stealing, much like a pirate. Nowadays, it’s often used to describe extreme hunger or desire. Having a ravenous appetite means you’re literally hungry like the wolf, snarling and growling (stomach) included. So do everyone in the lunchroom a favor and remember to eat breakfast.
早在 15 世纪初,如果您贪婪并沉迷于偷窃,就像海盗一样,就会被称为贪婪的人。如今,它常被用来形容极度饥饿或欲望。食欲旺盛意味着你真的像狼一样饥饿,包括咆哮和咆哮(胃)。帮午餐室里的每个人一个忙,记得吃早餐。
I could not remember the last time I had tasted bacon and eggs, and I was ravenous.
—Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
Indeed, the menu appears tailor-made for the ravenous, after-hours crowd; you can get a jumbo hot dog or a 20-ounce “jumbo rib steak,” as well as dauntingly hearty dishes like spaghetti with smoked meat.
事实上,菜单似乎是为下班后贪婪的人群量身定做的;您可以获得大热狗或 20 盎司的“大肋牛排”,以及令人望而生畏的丰盛菜肴,如熏肉意大利面。
—Exploring the Montreal That Leonard Cohen Loved by Rose Maura Lorre
Though the beef tastes as dry and flavorless as cardboard, I’m so ravenous that it’s all I can do not to shove it into my mouth.
—Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline
ravenous (adj.)late 14c., ravinous, “obsessed with plundering, extremely greedy,” from Old French ravinos, ravinous, of people, “rapacious, violent,” of water, “swift-flowing,” from raviner “to seize, pillage; to sweep down, cascade,” from ravine “violent rush, robbery,” from Latin rapina “act of robbery, plundering” (see rapine). Meaning “voracious, furiously hungry” is from early 15c. (compare ravening). Related: Ravenously; ravenousness.Related entries & more
ravenous (adj.)late 14c., ravinous, “沉迷于掠夺,极度贪婪”,来自古法语 ravinos, ravinous, of people, “贪婪的,暴力的” of water, “快速流动的”,来自 raviner “抓住,掠夺;横扫,级联,”来自山沟“猛烈的冲刺,抢劫”,来自拉丁语 rapina“抢劫,掠夺的行为”(见 rapine)。意思是“贪婪,极度饥饿”是从 15 世纪初开始的。 (比较贪婪)。相关:贪婪地;贪婪。相关条目及更多
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