And, still, most stakeholders, from farmers to utilities to cities, have been adamant that nothing must change.
—Washington Post
Another man explains that he is not leaving because of his grandmother who is adamant she will remain in Avdiivka.
另一名男子解释说,他不会离开,因为他的祖母坚持要留在 Avdiivka。
But Akon remains adamant that his ambitious plans will still be realised.
但 Akon 仍然坚信他雄心勃勃的计划仍会实现。
very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem
adj. 固执的,坚强的;坚定不移的;坚硬无比的
If you stubbornly refuse to change your mind about something, you are adamant about it.
This word’s story begins in ancient Greece, where philosophers spoke about a legendary unbreakable stone or metal they called adamas (literally, “invincible”). In English, people began to use the word to refer to something that cannot be altered, and then in the twentieth century — after adamant had been in English for about a thousand years — it came to be used as an adjective to mean “unyielding as stone.” If you’re adamant about something, no amount of persuasion is going to convince you otherwise.
这个词的故事始于古希腊,哲学家们谈到了一种传说中坚不可摧的石头或金属,他们称之为 adamas(字面意思是“无敌”)。在英语中,人们开始用这个词来指代无法改变的东西,然后在二十世纪——在 adamant 在英语中使用了大约一千年之后——它开始被用作形容词,意思是“不屈不挠”结石。”如果你对某件事很坚定,再多的说服也无法说服你。
In my fourteen years, I had never been this adamant about anything.
—I Will Always Write Back by Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
The bride was adamant about no taffeta for her wedding party.
—Field Notes: What’s New in Bridesmaid Dresses by BEE SHAPIRO
Mrs. Colbey rejected the State’s offer of a plea agreement, pursuant to which she would have gone to prison for eighteen years, because she was adamant that she had done nothing wrong.
科尔贝夫人拒绝了州政府提出的认罪协议,根据该协议,她将被判入狱 18 年,因为她坚信自己没有做错任何事。
—Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
adamant (n.)”a very hard stone,” mid-14c., adamant, adamaunt, from Old French adamant “diamond; magnet” or directly from Latin adamantem (nominative adamas) “adamant, hardest iron, steel,” also used figuratively, of character, from Greek adamas (genitive adamantos), the name of a hypothetical hardest material.It is a noun use of an adjective meaning “unbreakable, inflexible,” which was metaphoric of anything unalterable (such as Hades) and is of uncertain origin. It is perhaps literally “invincible, indomitable,” from a- “not” (see a- (3)) + daman “to conquer, to tame,” from PIE root *deme- “to constrain, force, break (horses),” for which see tame (adj.). “But semantically, the etymology is rather strange,” according to Beekes, who suggests it might be a foreign word altered in Greek by folk etymology, and compares Akkadian (Semitic) adamu.Applied in antiquity to a metal resembling gold (Plato), white sapphire (Pliny), magnet (Ovid, perhaps through confusion with Latin adamare “to love passionately”), steel, emery stone, and especially diamond, which is a variant of this word. “The name has thus always been of indefinite and fluctuating sense” [Century Dictionary]. The word had been in Old English as aðamans, but the modern word is a re-borrowing.Related entries & more
adamant (n.)“一块非常坚硬的石头”,14 世纪中期,adamant,adamaunt,来自古法语 adamant“钻石;磁铁”或直接来自拉丁语 adamantem(主格 adamas)“坚硬,最硬的铁,钢”,也用于比喻地,性格,来自希腊语 adamas(属格 adamantos),一种假设的最硬材料的名称。它是一个形容词的名词用法,意思是“牢不可破的,不灵活的”,它比喻任何不可改变的东西(例如 Hades)并且是不确定的来源。它的字面意思可能是“无敌的、不屈不挠的”,来自 a- “不”(见 a- (3))+ daman “征服、驯服”,来自 PIE 词根 *deme- “约束、强迫、打破(马) ,” 参见 tame (adj.)。 “但从语义上讲,词源相当奇怪,”比克斯说,他认为它可能是希腊语中被民间词源改变的外来词,并将阿卡德语(闪米特语)adamu 进行了比较。在古代应用于类似黄金的金属(柏拉图),白色蓝宝石(普林尼)、磁铁(奥维德,可能与拉丁语 adamare“热情地爱”混淆)、钢、金刚砂,尤其是钻石,它是这个词的变体。 “因此,这个名字一直具有不确定和波动的意义”[世纪词典]。这个词在古英语中是 aðamans,但现代词是重新借用的。相关条目及更多
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