单词详解 | coronary

英音/ ˈkɒrən(ə)ri / 美音/ ˈkɔːrəneri /


It is also a major contributor to coronary artery disease, a leading cause of death in the United States, Japan and many other countries.
New York Times

Using genetic data from over 100,000 women worldwide, researchers determined that a variety of reproductive factors were associated with higher risk for atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, heart failure and stroke.
研究人员利用全球超过 100,000 名女性的遗传数据确定,多种生殖因素与心房颤动、冠状动脉疾病、心力衰竭和中风的较高风险相关。
Washington Post

An autopsy report listed the effects of two drugs – ketamine and buprenorphine – as well as coronary artery disease and drowning as causes of his passing.

surrounding like a crown (especially of the blood vessels surrounding the heart)

cardiac,coronary thrombosis

Coronary is generally used as a short term for coronary thrombosis, in other words a heart attack. Thrombosis is the act of those vessels clogging up. So cut back on the French fries and hit that exercise bike. The term coronary comes from the Latin word corona for crown, meaning king. In medieval times it was the duty of the curuner to protect the local interests of the crown, and so the term coronary was later developed by doctors to describe the way the blood vessels around the heart protected it.

Coronary is generally used as a short term for coronary thrombosis, in other words a heart attack. Thrombosis is the act of those vessels clogging up. So cut back on the French fries and hit that exercise bike. The term coronary comes from the Latin word corona for crown, meaning king. In medieval times it was the duty of the curuner to protect the local interests of the crown, and so the term coronary was later developed by doctors to describe the way the blood vessels around the heart protected it.

My father was a strong dude before he decided to throw in the towel and become obese, three manicottis shy of a life-ending coronary.
Burning Blue by Paul Griffin

For some of these cases have congenital defects in their coronary arteries, and the nervous system of the heart itself, which make them liable to sudden death.
Essays In Pastoral Medicine by ?Malley, Austin

Embolism of the coronary arteries is rare, while embolism of the splenic artery, the left renal and left iliac arteries, is comparatively common, and in the order mentioned.
A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I
Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases by Various

coronary (adj.)c. 1600, “suitable for garlands;” 1640s, “pertaining to a crown, resembling a crown,” both older senses now obsolete; from Latin coronarius “of or belonging to a wreath, presenting a garland-like grownth,” from corona “wreath, crown” (see crown (n.)).
Anatomical use is from 1670s in reference to the blood vessels that supply the muscular substance of the heart and surround it like a crown. Coronary artery is recorded from 1741. As a noun meaning “a blockage of the flow of blood to the heart caused by a clot in a coronary artery,” it dates from 1955, short for coronary thrombosis.  Related entries & more

冠状动脉(形容词)c. 1600,“适合花环;” 1640年代,“与王冠有关,类似王冠”,这两种较旧的含义现在已经过时了;源自拉丁语 coronarius “属于或属于花环的,呈花环状生长”,源自 corona “花环,王冠”(参见 Crown (n.))。解剖学上的使用始于 1670 年代,指的是供应心脏肌肉物质并像王冠一样包围心脏的血管。冠状动脉的记录始于 1741 年。作为一个名词,意思是“冠状动脉中的血栓导致流向心脏的血液受阻”,它的历史可以追溯到 1955 年,是冠状动脉血栓形成的缩写。 相关条目及更多

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