单词详解 | perspective

英音/ pəˈspektɪv / 美音/ pərˈspektɪv /


Like Glover, she has spoken about how motherhood has given her a better perspective on life.

To put this in perspective, China have won 32 of the 37 Olympic table tennis titles ever contested, and the one they missed in Tokyo was the first the country had not won since 2004.

Flustered, I deflect the question by asking whether putting together the career-spanning concert has given her new perspectives on her life.

a way of regarding situations or topics etc.

position,view,linear perspective

Perspective has a Latin root meaning “look through” or “perceive,” and all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking. If you observe the world from a dog’s perspective, you see through the dog’s eyes. In drawing, perspective gives your drawing the appearance of depth or distance. If we say someone “has perspective,” we mean she has a sensible outlook on life.

Perspective has a Latin root meaning “look through” or “perceive,” and all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking. If you observe the world from a dog’s perspective, you see through the dog’s eyes. In drawing, perspective gives your drawing the appearance of depth or distance. If we say someone “has perspective,” we mean she has a sensible outlook on life.

The view from Bailey’s perspective looks impossible, a bit of leg here, the curve of a shoulder there, part of her other arm underneath a foot.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

But I wish she’d stop acting like I’m the only one in class who would understand a Black perspective.
A Good Kind of Trouble by Lisa Moore Ramée

“I think that’s why it feels so good to talk to you about this stuff sometimes. You’re not exactly connected to it, so I can get, like…I dunno. An outside perspective, I guess.”
Anger Is a Gift by Mark Oshiro

perspective (n.)late 14c., perspectif, “the science of optics,” from Old French perspective and directly from Medieval Latin perspectiva ars “science of optics,” from fem. of perspectivus “of sight, optical” from Latin perspectus “clearly perceived,” past participle of perspicere “inspect, look through, look closely at,” from per “through” (from PIE root *per- (1) “forward,” hence “through”) + specere “look at” (from PIE root *spek- “to observe”). The English word is also attested from early 15c. as an adjective, “pertaining to the science of optics.”
The sense of “the art of drawing solid objects on a flat surface so as to give appearance of distance or depth” is attested by 1590s, probably by influence of Italian prospettiva, an artists’ term. The meaning “proper or just proportion, appropriate relation in the mind of the parts of a subject to one another” is recorded by c. 1600, hence the figurative meaning “mental outlook over time” (1762).Related entries & more

Perspective (n.)late 14c.,perspectif,“光学科学”,来自古法语视角,直接来自中世纪拉丁语 perspectiva ars“光学科学”,来自 fem。 perspectivus “视觉的、光学的” 源自拉丁语 perspectus “清晰地感知到”,perspicere 的过去分词“检查、看透、仔细观察” 来自 per “通过”(来自 PIE 根 *per- (1) “向前”,因此“通过”)+ Specere“看”(来自 PIE 根 *spek-“观察”)。英语单词也从 15 世纪早期就得到了证实。作为形容词,“与光学科学有关”。 “在平面上绘制实体物体以呈现距离或深度的艺术”的含义在 1590 年代得到了证实,这可能是受到意大利艺术家术语 Prospettiva 的影响。 c 记录了“适当的或恰到好处的比例,主体各部分之间的适当关系”的含义。 1600,因此比喻意义“随着时间的推移精神面貌”(1762)。相关条目及更多

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