单词详解 | metropolis

英音/ məˈtrɒpəlɪs / 美音/ məˈtrɑːpəlɪs /


Nine other deaths were reported in Hebei province, just outside the metropolis and the source of much of its food and labor.
Washington Times

The Autobahn was part of West Germany’s utopian post-war ideology of a modern capitalist metropolis: the car would be king and concrete highways would smooth over the scars of a city traumatised by war.

The new cities proposal consists of a national contest to charter up to 10 D.C.-sized metropolises on undeveloped federal land.
新城市提案包括一项全国竞赛,旨在在未开发的联邦土地上租用多达 10 个华盛顿特区规模的大都市。
Washington Post

a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts

city,urban center,city

The noun metropolis comes from the Greek roots mētēr, meaning “mother,” and pólis, meaning “city.” Historically, the word referred to the founding city-state of a region in Ancient Greece. Today the word refers to any urban area. The largest metropolis in Massachusetts is Boston, which is also the capital. Sometimes people use the word metropolis ironically or sarcastically: “She came from the booming metropolis of Tumbleweed, population 325.”
一个人口稠密的大都市地区被称为大都市。 “她喜欢住在大都市,因为城市里有很多其他地方没有的机会,比如24小时营业的餐馆。”

The noun metropolis comes from the Greek roots mētēr, meaning “mother,” and pólis, meaning “city.” Historically, the word referred to the founding city-state of a region in Ancient Greece. Today the word refers to any urban area. The largest metropolis in Massachusetts is Boston, which is also the capital. Sometimes people use the word metropolis ironically or sarcastically: “She came from the booming metropolis of Tumbleweed, population 325.”

“The arrogance of big-city folk! You grant your metropolises all the animals of Eden, but you deny my hamlet the merest Bengal tiger!”
Life of Pi by Yann Martel

New Orleans is. on the other hand, a comfortable metropolis which has a certain apathy and stagnation which I find inoffensive.
A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole

And Capital City stretched out in golden glory under a golden sun,—the newest and youngest creation of Homo metropolis.
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov

metropolis (n.)1530s, “seat of a metropolitan bishop,” from Late Latin metropolis, which is from Greek (see metropolitan (n.)). Meaning “chief town or capital city of a province” is attested from 1580s; the earlier word for this in English was metropol (late 14c.) or metropolitan (mid-15c.). Related: Metropolitical “pertaining to or belonging to a metropolis.”Related entries & more

Metropolitan (n.)1530s,“大都会主教的席位”,源自后期拉丁语 Metropolis,源自希腊语(参见 Metropolitan (n.))。意思是“一个省的主要城镇或省会城市”,从1580年代就得到证实;英语中较早的词是“metropol”(14世纪末)或“metropolitan”(15世纪中叶)。相关:大都市“属于或属于大都市”。相关条目及更多

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