单词详解 | atrocity

英音/ əˈtrɒsəti / 美音/ əˈtrɑːsəti /


Opinion polls show strong support among Palestinians for the attacks on 7 October, though many deny the evidence that Hamas committed atrocities.
民意调查显示巴勒斯坦人强烈支持 10 月 7 日的袭击,尽管许多人否认哈马斯犯下暴行的证据。

Before that, the United Nations Security Council had set up dedicated tribunals to address atrocities in places like the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.
New York Times

Reports of the Arakan Army mistreating the Rohingya have stirred fears of renewed atrocities, even as the junta appears increasingly weak.
New York Times

an act of atrocious cruelty


The word atrocity describes both the act of cruelty as well as the sense of cruelty. If you go to visit a poorly run prison, you might be overwhelmed by the atrocity of the place when you see that no one is treated with respect, and torture is rampant. The word atrocity is also often used in the context of warfare and frequently as a plural. There were numerous atrocities on both sides, as the war raged on and the fighters’ capacity for cruelty seemed to increase.

The word atrocity describes both the act of cruelty as well as the sense of cruelty. If you go to visit a poorly run prison, you might be overwhelmed by the atrocity of the place when you see that no one is treated with respect, and torture is rampant. The word atrocity is also often used in the context of warfare and frequently as a plural. There were numerous atrocities on both sides, as the war raged on and the fighters’ capacity for cruelty seemed to increase.
暴行这个词既描述了残忍的行为,也描述了残忍的感觉。如果你去参观一所管理不善的监狱,当你看到没有人受到尊重、酷刑猖獗时,你可能会被这个地方的暴行所震惊。 “暴行”一词也经常在战争中使用,并且经常以复数形式使用。随着战争的激烈进行,双方都发生了无数的暴行,战士们的残忍程度似乎也在增加。

I think again and again of a story we read last year by Ursula Le Guin about a utopian city whose bliss can only exist because of its one horrifying atrocity.
我一次又一次地想起我们去年读到的乌苏拉·勒吉恩(Ursula Le Guin)写的一个故事,故事讲述了一座乌托邦城市,它的幸福只能因为它发生的一件可怕的暴行而存在。
Internment by Samira Ahmed

The gathering in front of the Tower started with just a few citizens holding signs, but quickly swelled to a crowd with banners, songs, speeches, and other atrocities.
The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill

For the past four years, the two countries had committed unspeakable atrocities, not only against each other, but against innocent civilians in their path.
Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

atrocity (n.)1530s, “enormous wickedness,” from French atrocité or directly from Latin atrocitatem (nominative atrocitas) “cruelty, fierceness, harshness,” noun of quality from atrox “fierce, cruel, frightful,” from PIE *atro-ek-, from root *ater- “fire” + root *okw- “to see;” thus “of fiery or threatening appearance.” The meaning “atrocious deed” is from 1793.Related entries & more

atrocity (n.)1530s,“巨大的邪恶”,源自法语 atrocité 或直接源自拉丁语 atrocitatem (主格 atrocitas),“残酷、凶猛、严酷”,质量名词,源自 atrox,“凶猛、残酷、可怕”,源自 PIE *atro- ek-,来自根*ater-“火”+根*okw-“看到;”因此“外表火热或具有威胁性”。 “残暴行为”的意思源自 1793 年。相关条目及更多

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