单词详解 | composition

英音/ ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n / 美音/ ˌkɑːmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n /


The regulator ruled the “image’s composition placed viewers’ focus on the model’s body rather than on the clothing being advertised”.

Chariots of Fire won four times at the Academy Awards, including the prized Best Picture and the Best Original Music Score for Vangelis’ stellar compositions.

It might not look like a spectacular photograph, but the snapshot was taken with what is called the Multi-Band Camera or MBC, which can essentially capture images that reveal the composition of the rock.

the way in which someone or something is composed

constitution,make-up,makeup,physical composition,composing,typography,composing,musical composition,opus,piece,piece of music,authorship,penning,writing,paper,report,theme

The word composition comes from the Latin componere, meaning “put together” and its meaning remains close to this. Writing classes are often called composition classes, and writing music is also called composition. This can also describe things besides writing that are “put together.” You could say an abstract painting has an interesting composition. Any mixture of ingredients can be called a composition. Geologists study the composition of the earth: what it’s made of and how it formed.

The word composition comes from the Latin componere, meaning “put together” and its meaning remains close to this. Writing classes are often called composition classes, and writing music is also called composition. This can also describe things besides writing that are “put together.” You could say an abstract painting has an interesting composition. Any mixture of ingredients can be called a composition. Geologists study the composition of the earth: what it’s made of and how it formed.

Seven minutes after the bell, I finally slap my composition notebook down on my desk and read the prompt on the whiteboard.
The Sea in Winter by Christine Day

By high school, the nuns were reading her stories and compositions out loud in English class.
How the García Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez

All elements were there—simplicity, composition, and lighting.
Shooting Kabul by N. H. Senzai

composition (n.)late 14c., composicioun, “action of combining,” also “manner in which a thing is composed,” from Old French composicion (13c., Modern French composition) “composition, make-up, literary work, agreement, settlement,” and directly from Latin compositionem (nominative compositio) “a putting together, connecting, arranging,” noun of action from past participle stem of componere “to put together, to collect a whole from several parts,” from com “with, together” (see com-) + ponere “to place” (past participle positus; see position (n.)).
Meaning “art of constructing sentences” is from 1550s; that of “literary production, that which results from composing” (often also “writing exercise for students”) is from c. 1600. Meaning “orderly disposition” is from 1590s. Printing sense “the setting of type” is from 1832; meaning “arrangement of parts in a picture” is from 1706.Related entries & more

作曲(n.)14世纪晚期,compositiioun,“组合的动作”,也“组成事物的方式”,来自古法语作曲(13世纪,现代法语作曲)“作曲,化妆,文学作品,协议,解决方案”,直接源自拉丁文compositionem(主格compositio)“放在一起,连接,安排”,动作名词来自componere的过去分词词干“放在一起,从几个部分收集一个整体”,来自com“与,一起”(参见 com-)+ ponere “放置”(过去分词位置;参见位置 (n.))。意思是“造句的艺术”,源自 1550 年代; “文学作品,由作曲产生的作品”(通常也称为“学生写作练习”)来自c。 1600.意思是“有序的处置”,源自1590年代。印刷意义上的“字体设置”是从1832年开始的;意思是“图片中零件的排列”来自 1706。相关条目及更多

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