单词详解 | constancy

英音/ ˈkɒnstənsi / 美音/ ˈkɑːnstənsi /


Every human being longs for love and constancy, and you will find it — but likely not with your mother.
Washington Post

Of course, the constancy of the seasons these days can’t be taken for granted as in the past.
Washington Times

Such constancy despite changing circumstances is not necessarily a good sign.
New York Times

the quality of being enduring and free from change or variation

stability,perceptual constancy

Have you ever noticed how some people change their minds every day? Someone like that isn’t showing constancy. In parts of the world where the weather changes frequently, the weather has no constancy, whereas in San Francisco, where it’s about 70 and mild for ten months of the year, the weather has constancy. If you take constancy — a good thing — too far, you have stubbornness — an undesirable quality.

Have you ever noticed how some people change their minds every day? Someone like that isn’t showing constancy. In parts of the world where the weather changes frequently, the weather has no constancy, whereas in San Francisco, where it’s about 70 and mild for ten months of the year, the weather has constancy. If you take constancy — a good thing — too far, you have stubbornness — an undesirable quality.
你有没有注意到有些人每天都在改变主意?这样的人没有表现出坚定的态度。在世界上天气变化频繁的地区,天气没有恒定性,而在旧金山,一年中十个月的气温约为 70 度,气候温和,但天气却有恒定性。如果你太过于坚持不懈——这是一件好事——那么你就会变得固执——这是一种不受欢迎的品质。

Jack then demands his half of Delia, refuses to take her whole, and, when Eumenides prepares to cut her in twain, explains that he has asked this only as a trial of constancy.
The Grateful Dead
The History of a Folk Story by Gerould, Gordon Hall

Alas, alas! the constancy and resolution of youth, what frail things they are! and how fast the ephemeral feelings and purposes of the hour give place to others as frail and vain!
The Gipsy (Vols I & II)
A Tale by James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford)

But while there is thus conservation or constancy of amount of energy in an isolated and finite material system, this energy may to residents on the system become unavailable.
Lord Kelvin
An account of his scientific life and work by Gray, Andrew

constancy (n.)1520s, “fixedness or firmness of mind,” a fuller form of constance (q.v.) with abstract noun suffix -cy. Meaning “faithfulness, fidelity” (to a person or cause) is from 1540s; that of quality of immutability, a permanent state” is from c. 1600.Related entries & more

constancy (n.)1520 年代,“思想的坚定性或坚定性”,constance (qv) 的更完整形式,带有抽象名词后缀 -cy。意思是“忠诚、忠诚”(对一个人或事业)来自 1540 年代;不变性的质量,永久状态”来自约 1600 年。相关条目及更多

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