单词详解 | jaunty



The tone of twee amusement set by the jaunty score, which portends a silly, perhaps even clownishly derisive caricature, one that looks down on its protagonist with an air of superiority?
Washington Post

The film starred Albert Finney as the title character, who evolves from mumbling the miserly “I Hate People” to belting out a jaunty “Thank You Very Much.”
Washington Post

Iverson, who arranged the Bacharach music, played the piano at this rehearsal and will perform on tour, points to “I’ll Never Fall in Love Again,” a jaunty tune disguising a cry of pain and heartbreak.
Washington Post

having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
adj. 快活的;活泼的;洋洋得意的;感到自信和自满的


Jaunty combines ideas such as cheerful, spiffy, upbeat, and natty into one delightfully economical adjective that means all of those things at once!
Jaunty 将快乐、活泼、乐观和整洁等概念组合成一个令人愉快的经济形容词,同时意味着所有这些东西!

A jaunty hat is one that’s stylish and cheerful at the same time, a quality that can be accentuated if the person wears it in a jaunty fashion, perhaps off to the side or over one eye. Playing the part of a jaunty person is easy if you’re feeling upbeat and chipper and want the world to know it.

Elves are often jaunty in their own way. Sporting their spiffy outfits and featuring that trademark cheerful spring in their step. The fact they always seem so lively and eager to chat only increases the jaunty impression they make. One can’t be blamed for wanting to take a jaunt with the jaunty little guys.

Adam’s father Cyrus was something of a devil—had always been wild—drove a two-wheeled cart too fast, and managed to make his wooden leg seem jaunty and desirable.
East of Eden by John Steinbeck

Alcohol’s a depressant, it will let me down later, but right now I’m jaunty, I hum to myself, mouth slightly open.
Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood

He’s wearing the uniform of the Guardians, but his cap is tilted at a jaunty angle and his sleeves are rolled to the elbow, showing his forearms, tanned but with a stipple of dark hairs.
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

jaunty (adj.)also janty, jantee, etc., 1660s, "elegant, stylish," an imperfect or jocular attempt to render into English the contemporary pronunciation of French gentil "nice, pleasing," in Old French "noble" (see gentle). Meaning "easy and sprightly in manner" first attested 1670s. The same French word otherwise was Englished as genteel. Related: Jauntily; jauntiness.Related entries & more 

jaunty (adj.)also janty, jantee, etc., 1660s, “优雅的,时尚的”,一种不完美的或诙谐的尝试,将法语 gentil 的现代发音翻译成英语 “nice, pleasing,” 在古法语中 “noble”(见温和的)。意思是“轻松而活泼的方式”首先证明了 1670 年代。同样的法语单词 otherwise 被英语化为 genteel。相关:欢快地; jauntiness.Related 条目及更多

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