单词详解 | custard

英音/ ˈkʌstəd / 美音/ ˈkʌstərd /


Odegua said her daughter has been subjected to much of the abuse – on one occasion having custard poured over her by a child when she was in a park.

Pastry cream or custard is traditional in a blitz torte, but whipped cream is a simpler, lighter alternative, making it a wonderful contrast to the rich, yolk-filled cake and sweet meringue.
Washington Post

This was followed by a take on her favourite dish from Thailand, Khao Soi, with a cardamom and custard tart paired with a honey and lemon sorbet for dessert.
接下来是她最喜欢的泰国菜 Khao Soi,甜点是小豆蔻和蛋挞,搭配蜂蜜和柠檬冰糕。

sweetened mixture of milk and eggs baked or boiled or frozen


Custard comes in a few different forms, including baked, frozen, and boiled. Baked custard is made with a combination of eggs, milk or cream, sugar, and sometimes flavoring, chocolate, or spices, that’s cooked in small dishes sitting in a pan of water. The result is smooth, creamy, and rich. In the 14th century, a custard was a “meat or fruit pie,” from croustado, an Old Provençal word literally meaning “something covered with crust.”

Custard comes in a few different forms, including baked, frozen, and boiled. Baked custard is made with a combination of eggs, milk or cream, sugar, and sometimes flavoring, chocolate, or spices, that’s cooked in small dishes sitting in a pan of water. The result is smooth, creamy, and rich. In the 14th century, a custard was a “meat or fruit pie,” from croustado, an Old Provençal word literally meaning “something covered with crust.”
蛋奶冻有几种不同的形式,包括烘焙、冷冻和煮。烤蛋奶冻由鸡蛋、牛奶或奶油、糖,有时还有调味品、巧克力或香料混合而成,放在小盘子里,放在水锅里煮熟。结果是光滑、柔滑、浓郁。在 14 世纪,custard 是一种“肉或水果馅饼”,源自 croustado,一个古普罗旺斯语单词,字面意思是“覆盖着硬皮的东西”。

It’s creamy and rich, more like custard or pudding than something you’d expect to find growing on a tree.
A Wish in the Dark by Christina Soontornvat

We hung out at the frozen custard stand and they came over to fish with me.
Lawn Boy Returns by Gary Paulsen

I use the frozen custard recipe she’s brought with her to make a thick, creamy mixture.
A Place at the Table by Saadia Faruqi and Laura Shovan

custard (n.)mid-14c., crustade, “meat or fruit pie, any dish baked in a crust” from Anglo-French croustade (Modern French coutarde), from Old Provençal croustado “fruit tart,” literally “something covered with crust,” from crosta “crust,” from Latin crusta “rind, crust, shell, bark” (from PIE root *kreus- “to begin to freeze, form a crust”).
In Middle English also crustard, custade, etc. Meaning shifted c. 1600 to “compound of eggs and milk, sweetened and baked or boiled.” The spelling change (by mid-15c.) is perhaps by influence of mustard. OED notes that custard-pie (by 1825) was “commonly used as a missile in broad comedy.”Related entries & more

custard (n.)mid-14c., 硬皮,“肉或水果馅饼,任何在外皮中烘烤的菜肴”,源自英法 croustade(现代法语 coutarde),源自古普罗旺斯语 croustado“水果馅饼”,字面意思是“覆盖有东西的东西”地壳”源自 crosta“地壳”,源自拉丁语crusta“外皮、地壳、壳、树皮”(来自 PIE 根 *kreus-“开始冻结,形成地壳”)。在中古英语中还有 Crustard、custade 等。含义发生了转变。 1600 改为“鸡蛋和牛奶的混合物,加糖并烘烤或煮沸”。拼写的变化(到 15 世纪中期)可能是受到芥末的影响。 《牛津英语词典》指出,蛋奶派(1825 年)“在广泛的喜剧中通常被用作导弹”。相关条目及更多内容

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