单词详解 | opposition

英音/ ˌɒpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n / 美音/ ˌɑːpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n /


But the idea of adding women to the draft has for years run into a brick wall of opposition among conservative Republicans, and at least one G.O.P.
New York Times

But for the past 17 years it has been the SNP government in Holyrood making decisions about healthcare priorities, and opposition parties accuse the Scottish government of years of mismanagement.
但在过去的 17 年里,医疗保健优先事项的决策一直由位于荷里路德的苏格兰民族党政府负责,而反对党则指责苏格兰政府多年来管理不善。

In the crowd in front of the Knesset on Monday was Yair Lapid, the opposition leader in Parliament, video posted on social media showed.
社交媒体上发布的视频显示,周一议会前的人群中有议会反对党领袖亚伊尔·拉皮德(Yair Lapid)。
New York Times

the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with
(强烈的) 反对,反抗;对手,竞争者(the opposition);反对党,在野党( the Opposition);对立,对立的事物;(天文,占星)冲


Chances are you know the word opposite: this means something similar. The opposition to something goes in the opposite direction. There is always opposition to raising taxes in this county. The Republicans are the opposition of the Democrats (and vice versa). If you’re holding a meeting, you could say, “Is there any opposition to this idea?” In war, the enemy is the opposition, and in a debate, the other speaker is the opposition. Whenever there’s disagreement or confrontation, there’s opposition.

Chances are you know the word opposite: this means something similar. The opposition to something goes in the opposite direction. There is always opposition to raising taxes in this county. The Republicans are the opposition of the Democrats (and vice versa). If you’re holding a meeting, you could say, “Is there any opposition to this idea?” In war, the enemy is the opposition, and in a debate, the other speaker is the opposition. Whenever there’s disagreement or confrontation, there’s opposition.

“Oh, well, excuse me for feeling any opposition to you waltzing into my room without knocking and suggesting that I adapt to your uninvited presence.”
Odd One Out by Nic Stone

“Money? Course not. Identify a demand, handle its supply, make your customers grateful, kill off the opposition.”
Black Swan Green by David Mitchell

But even his opposition could not stop Hasidism from growing.
The Chosen by Chaim Potok

opposition (n.)late 14c., opposicioun, an astrological term for the situation of two heavenly bodies exactly across from one another in the heavens, from Old French oposicion (12c.) and directly from Latin oppositionem (nominative oppositio) “act of opposing, a placing against,” noun of action from past-participle stem of opponere “set against,” from assimilated form of ob “in front of, in the way of” (see ob-) + ponere “to put, set, place” (see position (n.)).
General sense of “the position of that which faces or confronts something else” is from c. 1400. The meaning “that which is opposite something else” is from 1540s; meaning “act of resisting, antagonism” is attested from 1580s; sense of ”
body of opposers,” especially “the political party opposed to the one in power” is from 1704.Related entries & more

反对 (n.)late 14c., opposicioun,一个占星学术语,表示天空中两个天体完全相对的情况,源自古法语 oposicion (12c.) 并直接源自拉丁语 Oppositem(主格对立)“行为反对,放置反对”,动作名词,来自opponere“反对”的过去分词词干,来自ob的同化形式“在前面,在……的方式上”(见ob-)+ ponere“放置,设置,地点”(参见位置 (n.))。 “面对或面对其他事物的位置”的一般意义来自c。 1400.“与其他事物相反的事物”的含义来自1540年代;意思是“抵抗、对抗的行为”,这一点从 1580 年代就得到证实; “反对者团体”,尤其是“反对当权者的政党”的含义来自 1704 年。相关条目及更多

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