单词详解 | weasel

英音/ ˈwiːzl / 美音/ ˈwiːzl /


In the first episode, the team encounters a wild weasel in an attic and a dozen ostriches.
Washington Post

Her co-star, Josh O’Connor, who played Elizabeth’s son Charles as a humanized weasel, picked up the lead dramatic actor Emmy, beating out Billy Porter of “Pose” on his own valedictory run for the groundbreaking series.
她的搭档乔什·奥康纳(Josh O’Connor)饰演伊丽莎白的儿子查尔斯(Charles),饰演人性化的黄鼠狼,他在这部开创性剧集的告别演说中击败了《姿势》的比利·波特(Billy Porter),赢得了艾美奖最佳戏剧演员奖。
Washington Post

“Watch out weasels, your reign of terror is over.”
Fox News

small carnivorous mammal with short legs and elongated body and neck


You can call someone who cheats and lies a weasel, or you can use the word literally, to refer to the small furry mammal called a weasel. The furry kind of weasel is known for its short legs, long neck, and musky smell. In fact, the word’s Proto-Germanic origin wisand carries the meaning of a stinky animal. The verb weasel means to sneak or evade, like when you weasel out of doing the dishes.

You can call someone who cheats and lies a weasel, or you can use the word literally, to refer to the small furry mammal called a weasel. The furry kind of weasel is known for its short legs, long neck, and musky smell. In fact, the word’s Proto-Germanic origin wisand carries the meaning of a stinky animal. The verb weasel means to sneak or evade, like when you weasel out of doing the dishes.

Once I sneaked into the hen house and took eggs, but the chickens were scared, thinking from my approach at night that I was a weasel or a fox.
Z for Zachariah by Robert C. O’Brien

Cruelly he leaned his full weight upon the weasel’s rasping throat.
Redwall by Brian Jacques

“Believe me, George Finkle will find a way to weasel out of paying the money. No way he’s going to pay out a million bucks for sinking a crummy foul shot.”
The Million Dollar Shot by Dan Gutman

weasel (n.)Old English weosule, wesle “weasel,” from Proto-Germanic *wisulon (source also of Old Norse visla, Middle Dutch wesel, Dutch wezel, Old High German wisula, German Wiesel), probably related to Proto-Germanic *wisand- “bison” (see bison), with a base sense of “stinking animal,” because both animals have a foul, musky smell (compare Latin vissio “stench”). A John Wesilheued (“John Weaselhead”) turns up on the Lincolnshire Assize Rolls for 1384, but the name seems not to have endured, for some reason. Related: Weaselly.Related entries & more

黄鼠狼(n.)古英语 weosule,wesle “黄鼠狼”,源自原始日耳曼语 *wisulon(也源自古斯堪的纳维亚语 visla、中古荷兰语 wesel、荷兰语 wezel、古高地德语 wisula、德语 Wiesel),可能与原始日耳曼语有关*wisand-“野牛”(参见野牛),具有“发臭的动物”的基本含义,因为两种动物都有难闻的麝香气味(比较拉丁语 vissio“恶臭”)。 1384 年,约翰·威斯赫德 (John Wesilheued,“约翰·黄鼠狼黑德”) 出现在林肯郡巡回法庭的名单上,但由于某种原因,这个名字似乎没有长久流传。相关:Weaselly。相关条目及更多

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