单词详解 | wad

英音/ wɒd / 美音/ wɑːd /


His remarks come after the Republican frontrunner, former President Donald Trump, waded into territory many GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill thought was in their rear view mirror: repealing and replacing the Obama-era health law.
Washington Times

Texas alleges the practice of cutting through the wire increased recently when thousands of migrants waded through the river and into the area of Eagle Pass in late September.
Washington Times

Hours earlier, a domestic gas tank with wads of dynamite attached exploded under a different bridge in Napo province of Napo, located within Ecuador’s portion of the Amazon rainforest.
Washington Times

a small mass of soft material

batch,deal,flock,good deal,great deal,hatful,heap,lot,mass,mess,mickle,mint,mountain,muckle,passel,peck,pile,plenty,pot,quite a little,raft,sight,slew,spate,stack,tidy sum,chaw,chew,cud,plug,quid,chock up,cram,jam,jampack,ram,bundle,compact,pack

You can also call a wad a bundle, clump, or ball — most office trash cans contain wads of paper, and making a pillow involves stuffing it with wads of cotton or polyester material. Wad is also a verb, like when you wad up a damp hand towel and throw it in the laundry hamper. Etymologists guess that the Old Norse word vað, or “cloth,” is the root of wad.

You can also call a wad a bundle, clump, or ball — most office trash cans contain wads of paper, and making a pillow involves stuffing it with wads of cotton or polyester material. Wad is also a verb, like when you wad up a damp hand towel and throw it in the laundry hamper. Etymologists guess that the Old Norse word vað, or “cloth,” is the root of wad.
你也可以将一团东西称为一捆、一团或一团——大多数办公室垃圾桶里都装着一团纸,而制作枕头则需要在其中填充一团棉或聚酯材料。 Wad 也是一个动词,就像你把湿毛巾揉成一团然后扔进洗衣篮一样。词源学家猜测古挪威语单词 vað 或“布料”是 wad 的词根。

He took a wad of bubble gum from his mouth and winged it against his dresser mirror.
Fourth Grade Rats by Jerry Spinelli

“She didn’t show it to me. But it was quite a wad. What do you think this all means, Helena?”
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck

There’s a thick wad of cash clasped inside a sleek silver money clip sitting right there.
Shine! by J.J. and Chris Grabenstein

wad (n.)early 15c., wadde, “small bunch of fibrous, soft material for padding or stuffing,” of uncertain origin, perhaps from Medieval Latin wadda (14c., source also of French ouate, Italian ovate), or Dutch watten (source of German Watte), or Middle English wadmal (c. 1300) “coarse woolen cloth,” which seems to be from Old Norse vaðmal “a woolen fabric of Scandinavia,” probably from vað “cloth” + mal “measure.”
The meaning “something bundled up tightly” (especially paper currency) is from 1778. To shoot (one’s) wad “do all one can do” is recorded by 1860. The immediate source of the expression probably is the sense of “disk of cloth used to hold powder and shot in place in a gun.” Wad in slang sense of “a load of semen” is attested from 1920s, and the expression now often is felt in this sense. As a suffix, -wad in 1980s joined -bag, -ball, -head in combinations meaning “disgusting or unpleasant person.”Related entries & more

wad (n.) 15世纪早期,wadde,“一小束纤维状的软材料,用于填充或填充物”,起源不确定,可能来自中世纪拉丁语 wadda(14世纪,也源自法语 ouate、意大利语 ovate),或荷兰语watten(德语 Watte 的来源),或中古英语 wadmal(约 1300 年)“粗羊毛布”,似乎源自古斯堪的纳维亚语 vaðmal“斯堪的纳维亚的羊毛织物”,可能来自 vað“布”+ mal“尺寸”。 ” “紧紧地捆起来的东西”(尤其是纸币)的意思是从 1778 年开始的。 1860 年记录了“射出(一个人的)一团东西”,“竭尽全力”。这个表达的直接来源可能是“布盘”的意思。用于在枪中容纳火药和射击。” Wad 在俚语中的意思是“一团精液”,从 20 世纪 20 年代就得到证实,现在的表达通常也是这个意思。作为后缀,-wad 在 20 世纪 80 年代加入了 -bag、-ball、-head 的组合,意思是“恶心或不愉快的人”。相关条目及更多

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