单词详解 | shabby

英音/ ˈʃæbi / 美音/ ˈʃæbi /


They are headed for the derelict home of Leah’s late stepmother, Jean — a renegade sculptor of abstract metal towers and odd found objects, all crowded into her shabby living room.
Washington Post

“We are hanging between the sky and the earth,” Saif Osman, told me as he piloted his car through the capital’s shabby streets.
New York Times

On the deserted beach, there’s a shabby children’s playground, a rusting vintage car and, perhaps aptly, a white concrete “staircase to nowhere”.

showing signs of wear and tear


The adjective shabby also describes a manner of acting that is mean or contemptible. If you spent your whole childhood treating your younger brother in a shabby way, you can’t expect him to be your friend when you’re older. In modern slang, if you say something is “not too shabby,” you mean that it was good. You might compliment your brother by telling him his soda can sculpture isn’t too shabby.

The adjective shabby also describes a manner of acting that is mean or contemptible. If you spent your whole childhood treating your younger brother in a shabby way, you can’t expect him to be your friend when you’re older. In modern slang, if you say something is “not too shabby,” you mean that it was good. You might compliment your brother by telling him his soda can sculpture isn’t too shabby.

The kitchen is a little shabby, with old-fashioned white cabinets full of handprints, unwashed mugs on the counter, and a sink full of dishes.
A Place at the Table by Saadia Faruqi and Laura Shovan

His burlap tunic was shabby but familiar, and faint stubble dusted his jaw.
Beasts of Prey by Ayana Gray

All the girls look at Link, since he’s kind of the star athlete in town, and I’m not too shabby myself.
Linked by Gordon Korman

shabby (adj.)1660s, of persons, “poorly dressed;” 1680s of clothes, furniture, etc., “of mean appearance, no longer new or fresh;” with -y (2) + shab “a low fellow” (1630s), extended from the original sense, “scabies.” This is from Middle English shabbe “skin disease characterized by eruptions, itching, etc.,” from Old English sceabb, the native form of Modern English scab (n.), which was influenced by Scandinavian (see sh-).
Shab (n.) survives in reference to a disease of sheep, but in Middle English shabbed meant “suffering from scabies, mange, etc.” (from Old English sceabbed).
Shabby in the sense of “inferior in quality” is from 1805. The figurative meaning “contemptibly mean” is from 1670s. Similar formation in Middle Dutch schabbich, German schäbig “shabby.” Related: Shabbily; shabbiness. Carlyle has shabbish “somewhat shabby.”
Shabby-genteel “run-down but trying to keep up appearances, retaining in present shabbiness traces of former gentility,” is attested by 1754. Shabaroon, shabberoon “disreputable person” is attested from c. 1700.Related entries & more

shabby (adj.)1660 年代,人们的“衣着简陋”; 1680年代的衣服、家具等,“外观卑鄙,不再新颖;”与 -y (2) + shab “低贱的家伙”(1630 年代),从原始含义延伸而来,“疥疮”。这是来自中古英语 shabbe,“以皮疹、瘙痒等为特征的皮肤病”,源自古英语 sceabb,现代英语 scab (n.) 的原生形式,受到斯堪的纳维亚语的影响(参见 sh-)。 Shab (n.) 指的是羊的一种疾病,但在中古英语中,shabbed 的意思是“患有疥疮、疥癣等”。 (源自古英语 sceabbed)。 Shabby 的意思是“质量低劣”,源自 1805 年。比喻意义“卑鄙卑鄙”源自 1670 年代。中古荷兰语 schabbich 中的类似结构,德语 schäbig “破旧的”。相关:破烂不堪;破旧。卡莱尔有“有点破烂”的说法。 1754 年证实了“破旧但试图保持外表,在现在的破烂中保留了以前文雅的痕迹”。 1700. 相关条目及更多

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