英音/ rɪˈlɪdʒən / 美音/ rɪˈlɪdʒən /
“I would describe the attacker as a coward, this coward does not belong to any religion, society or even humanity,” he said.
All of the datasets the researchers acquired included information on military personnel in the U.S. and none of it was anonymized when revealing people’s net worth, health or religion.
—Washington Times
“Think Big America is dedicated to ensuring the fundamental right of reproductive choice for individuals everywhere – regardless of their state of residence, religion, race, or socioeconomic status.”
“Think Big America 致力于确保世界各地个人的生育选择的基本权利——无论他们的居住地、宗教、种族或社会经济地位如何。”
—Washington Times
a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
faith,religious belief,faith,organized religion
Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam: these are examples of religions, and millions around the world follow the principles defined by their chosen faith. The Latin root religio means “to bind,” and religion binds people together not just by their practices, but also by their ideas. Most religions have their own story about the creation of the universe, and each has a different explanation for the meaning of life, which is a source of comfort for a religion’s followers.
Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam: these are examples of religions, and millions around the world follow the principles defined by their chosen faith. The Latin root religio means “to bind,” and religion binds people together not just by their practices, but also by their ideas. Most religions have their own story about the creation of the universe, and each has a different explanation for the meaning of life, which is a source of comfort for a religion’s followers.
They were rich and poor, Shanghainese, Cantonese, northerners, and not just Chinese, but foreigners and missionaries of every religion.
—The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
“Some folks feel that way about their religion.”
—Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
Terryl gave a lot of credit to her religion, support from the Church, her abiding belief.
—A Deadly Wandering: A Mystery, a Landmark Investigation, and the Astonishing Science of Attention in the Digital Age by Matt Richtel
religion (n.)c. 1200, religioun, “state of life bound by monastic vows,” also “action or conduct indicating a belief in a divine power and reverence for and desire to please it,” from Anglo-French religiun (11c.), Old French religion, relegion “piety, devotion; religious community,” and directly from Latin religionem (nominative religio) “respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods; conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation; fear of the gods; divine service, religious observance; a religion, a faith, a mode of worship, cult; sanctity, holiness,” in Late Latin “monastic life” (5c.).
This noun of action was derived by Cicero from relegere “go through again” (in reading or in thought), from re- “again” (see re-) + legere “read” (see lecture (n.)). However, popular etymology among the later ancients (Servius, Lactantius, Augustine) and the interpretation of many modern writers connects it with religare “to bind fast” (see rely), via the notion of “place an obligation on,” or “bond between humans and gods.” In that case, the re- would be intensive. Another possible origin is religiens “careful,” opposite of negligens.
In English, the meaning “particular system of faith in the worship of a divine being or beings” is by c. 1300; the sense of “recognition of and allegiance in manner of life (perceived as justly due) to a higher, unseen power or powers” is from 1530s.Related entries & more
宗教 (n.)c. 1200,religioun,“受修道院誓言约束的生活状态”,也“表明对神圣力量的信仰和尊敬并渴望取悦它的行动或行为”,来自盎格鲁-法国宗教(11c.),古法语宗教, relegion “虔诚,奉献;宗教团体”,直接源自拉丁语religionem(主格religio)“尊重神圣事物,敬畏诸神;责任心,权利感,道德义务;敬畏诸神;神圣服务,宗教仪式;一种宗教,一种信仰,一种崇拜方式,邪教;神圣性,神圣性”,用后期拉丁语“修道院生活”(5c.)来说。这个行动名词由西塞罗从 relegere“再次经历”(在阅读或思考中)衍生而来,源自 re-“再次”(参见 re-)+legere“阅读”(参见讲座(n.))。然而,后来的古人(塞尔维乌斯、拉克坦蒂乌斯、奥古斯丁)中流行的词源学和许多现代作家的解释通过“将义务置于”或“债券”的概念,将其与宗教“紧密结合”(参见依赖)联系起来。人与神之间。”在这种情况下,重新调整将是密集的。另一个可能的起源是宗教“小心”,与疏忽相反。在英语中,“崇拜神圣存在的特定信仰体系”的含义是c。 1300; “对一种更高的、看不见的力量的生活方式的认可和效忠(被认为是正当的)”的感觉来自 1530 年代。相关条目及更多
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