每日名言 | 20230828文字加音频
20230828日名言 I live to be the ruler of life, not a slave.我要做生命的主宰,而非奴隶。 -? 配套音频
20230828日名言 I live to be the ruler of life, not a slave.我要做生命的主宰,而非奴隶。 -? 配套音频
20230827日名言 If you think the road is difficult, it must be uphill.如果你觉得路难走,那它一定是上坡路。 -? 配套音频
20230826日名言 Honesty is as rare as a man without self-pity. -Stephen Vincent Benét 配套音频
20230825日名言 If you are good at something, never do it for free.擅长的事情,绝不能白干。 -? 配套音频
20230824日名言 Reason in man is rather like God in the world. -Thomas Aquinas 配套音频
20230823日名言 Behind every successful man there’s a lot of unsuccessful years.每个成功者的后面都有很多不成功的岁月。 -? 配套音频
20230822日名言 Genius is eternal patience. -Michelangelo 配套音频
20230821日名言 It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little. -Sydney Smith 配套音频
20230820日名言 An author’s first duty is to let down his country. -Brendan Behan 配套音频
20230819日名言 Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. -Anton Chekhov 配套音频