单词详解 | revert

英音/ rɪˈvɜːt / 美音/ rɪˈvɜːrt /


Yet for now, they say the fighting appears to have reverted to the kind of inconclusive back-and-forth battles that have characterized much of the war’s front line combat this past year.
New York Times

And in response to questions about his golf course in Scotland, Mr Trump reverted to his political opposition to windfarms, one of which was built offshore his club.

“In the older children, the dietary and physical activity habits that were developed during the pandemic became more embedded and did not revert back,” he said.

go back to a previous state
回复,恢复(到原来状态、情况或做法)(revert to);(财产、权力、金钱等)归还;皈依(伊斯兰教);返祖遗传

regress,retrovert,return,turn back

Revert has been around since the early 14th century, and it has changed little in meaning from the original “turn back” and “return.” You can revert to a simpler way of life or revert to bad behavior. Software users might revert to an older version of a program with fewer bugs. Though rare in modern use, some international English speakers do use “revert back” for “reply” in writing and e-mail, but most of the time, using revert with “back” is redundant, or repetitive.

Revert has been around since the early 14th century, and it has changed little in meaning from the original “turn back” and “return.” You can revert to a simpler way of life or revert to bad behavior. Software users might revert to an older version of a program with fewer bugs. Though rare in modern use, some international English speakers do use “revert back” for “reply” in writing and e-mail, but most of the time, using revert with “back” is redundant, or repetitive.
Revert自14世纪初以来就已存在,其含义与最初的“返回”和“返回”相比变化不大。您可以恢复更简单的生活方式或恢复不良行为。软件用户可能会恢复到错误较少的旧版本程序。尽管在现代使用中很少见,但一些国际英语使用者确实在书面和电子邮件中使用“revert back”来表示“回复”,但大多数时候,将“revert”与“back”一起使用是多余的或重复的。

I stared at that last line, dated on the first day of school, urging it to change, to revert to its true form, because I knew I must have made it up.
Made You Up by Francesca Zappia

I reverted to the books I loved, those rare and impractical luxuries I’d happened on a few times in my life and hoarded until they fell apart, all pulp and tears.
The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline

After many pauses and many trials of other subjects, Elizabeth could not help reverting once more to the first, and saying:
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

revert (v.)c. 1300, reverten, “to come to oneself again, regain consciousness, recover from illness” (senses now obsolete), from Anglo-French reverter, Old French revertir “return, change back,” from Vulgar Latin *revertire, variant of Latin revertere “turn back, turn about; come back, return,” from re- “back” (see re-) + vertere “to turn” (from PIE root *wer- (2) “to turn, bend”).
Meaning “return to a former state or position” is from mid-15c. Of property, “revert to a grantor or his successor,” from mid-15c.; in reference to a return to a former habit, practice, custom, etc., from 1610s. In biology, “go back to an earlier, primitive, or ancestral type,” 1859. Related: Reverted; reverting.Related entries & more

恢复 (v.)c. 1300, reverten,“再次苏醒,恢复意识,从疾病中恢复”(现在已过时的含义),源自英法 reverter,古法语 revertir “返回,变回”,源自通俗拉丁语 *revertire,拉丁语 revertere 的变体“turn back,turn around;come back,return”,源自 re-“后退”(参见 re-)+ vertere“转动”(源自 PIE 根 *wer- (2)“转动、弯曲”)。意思是“返回到以前的状态或位置”是从 15 世纪中期开始的。关于财产,从 15 世纪中期开始,“归还给授予人或其继承人”;指回到 1610 年代以前的习惯、做法、习俗等。在生物学中,“回到更早的、原始的或祖先的类型”,1859 年。正在恢复。相关条目及更多

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