单词详解 | lark

英音/ lɑːk / 美音/ lɑːrk /


In recent years, hit by natural disasters and official neglect, the city’s tram system has become little more than a nostalgia ride, its passengers more often looking for a lark than an efficient trip home.
New York Times

In 1990, on a lark, she auditioned to be a television personality for the state lottery.
New York Times

But aboard the boat, both father and son seemed pleased with the whole lark.
New York Times

any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing

pipit,titlark,meadowlark,escapade,cavort,disport,frisk,frolic,gambol,lark about,rollick,romp,run around,skylark,sport

Often unplanned, a lark can happen when you are feeling adventurous. You might decide on a lark to audition for a reality show — and be picked! The act of trying something new like this can also be called larking. A lark is also a kind of songbird. Using lark to describe carefree fun might come from 1800s sailors’ slang, skylark, to describe playing in the rigging of the ship, up high like a lark.

Often unplanned, a lark can happen when you are feeling adventurous. You might decide on a lark to audition for a reality show — and be picked! The act of trying something new like this can also be called larking. A lark is also a kind of songbird. Using lark to describe carefree fun might come from 1800s sailors’ slang, skylark, to describe playing in the rigging of the ship, up high like a lark.
当你想要冒险时,往往会出乎意料地发生意外。您可能会决定参加真人秀试镜,然后被选中!像这样尝试新事物的行为也可以称为嬉闹。云雀也是鸣禽的一种。用“云雀”来形容无忧无虑的乐趣可能来自 1800 年代水手的俚语“云雀”,形容在船上的索具上玩耍,像云雀一样高高在上。

“Yes, nobody minds them, so lark away, but don’t get wild, will you? Or there will be an end of all our good times.”
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Men were larking about on the bikes along a pavement stained with vomit.
Atonement by Ian McEwan

I close my eyes and follow the ballad’s words, the story of a sparrow who freed a lark from her cage, only to be betrayed by the lark who flew away.
The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera

lark (n.1)songbird of the Old World, early 14c., earlier lauerche (c. 1200), from Old English lawerce (late Old English laferce), from Proto-Germanic *laiw(a)rikon (source also of Old Saxon lewerka, Frisian liurk, Old Norse lævirik, Dutch leeuwerik, German Lerche), a word of unknown origin.
Old English and Old Norse forms suggest a contracted compound, perhaps meaning “treason-worker,” but “nothing is known in folklore to account for such a designation” [OED]. Noted for its early song and high flying (in contrast to its low nest). When the sky falls, we shall catch larks was an old proverb mocking foolish optimism.
Latin alauda “the lark” (source of Italian aloda, Spanish alondra, Provençal alauza, Old French aloe) is said to be from Gaulish (Celtic). True Latin names for the skylark were galerita, corydalus.

SPLIT the lark and you’ll find the music,

Bulb after bulb, in silver rolled

[Emily Dickinson]
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云雀 (n.1) 旧世界的鸣鸟,14 世纪早期,较早的 lauerche (约 1200 年),源自古英语 lawerce (晚期古英语 laferce),源自原始日耳曼语 *laiw(a)rikon(也源自古英语)撒克逊语 lewerka、弗里斯兰语 liurk、古挪威语 lævirik、荷兰语 leeuwerik、德语 Lerche),一个来源不明的单词。古英语和古挪威语形式暗示了一种收缩复合词,可能意味着“叛国分子”,但“民间传说中没有任何信息可以解释这样的名称”[《牛津英语词典》]。以其早期的鸣叫和高飞而闻名(与其低矮的巢相反)。天塌下来,我们就会捉到百灵鸟,这是一句嘲笑愚蠢乐观的古老谚语。拉丁语 alauda“百灵鸟”(意大利语 aloda、西班牙语 alondra、普罗旺斯语 alauza、古法语芦荟的来源)据说源自高卢语(凯尔特语)。云雀真正的拉丁名字是galerita,corydalus。把云雀分开,你会发现音乐,一个又一个的灯泡,在银卷中 [艾米莉·狄金森] 相关条目及更多

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