英音/ ɡaʊdʒ / 美音/ ɡaʊdʒ /
Price gouging: At Newsom’s urging, a bill that would punish oil companies for profiting from price spikes at the pump was approved by the State Senate on Thursday, The Associated Press reports.
—New York Times
Residents of a two-story building in Kyiv were woken in their beds by a missile attack that gouged a crater less than 50 yards from their home early Thursday.
周四早些时候,基辅一栋两层楼房的居民在床上被导弹袭击惊醒,导弹袭击在距离他们家不到 50 码的地方挖出了一个弹坑。
—New York Times
“Congressional Republicans’ sole energy plan is to enrich the oil and gas CEOs who are making billions by price gouging working families, and polluting our air, water and environment.
—Washington Times
an impression in a surface (as made by a blow)
dent,ding,divot,nick,force out,rout,extort,rack,squeeze,wring
The verb gouge means to cut or carve. You can use special chisels to gouge linoleum for interesting design in printing. As a noun, a gouge is the tool you would use — instead of a flat-head chisel, a gouge has a trough — to make the gouge marks of the design. Another meaning of the verb gouge is an indentation in the surface of something. If you’re not careful with the screwdriver, you’ll accidentally gouge a hole in the wall.
To gouge 的意思是在某物上打洞或凹痕,或者通过过度收费来诈骗或偷窃。如果您当地的加油站因为暴风雨即将来临而提高价格,您可能会说加油站老板在敲诈您的钱——这是违法的。
The verb gouge means to cut or carve. You can use special chisels to gouge linoleum for interesting design in printing. As a noun, a gouge is the tool you would use — instead of a flat-head chisel, a gouge has a trough — to make the gouge marks of the design. Another meaning of the verb gouge is an indentation in the surface of something. If you’re not careful with the screwdriver, you’ll accidentally gouge a hole in the wall.
Tyler had been doing this to her all week—staring at her like he wanted to gouge her with his eyes.
—Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu
The wrist was swollen and a bit discolored, but what horrified me was a tiny, evil burn on the underside of the forearm: a cigarette burn, gouged deep and ugly in the flesh.
—The Secret History by Donna Tartt
His face was covered with old poison burns, gouges, and scar tissue, so it looked like the surface of an asteroid.
—The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
gouge (n.)mid-14c., “chisel with a concave blade,” from Old French gouge “a gouge” (14c.), from Late Latin gubia, alteration of gulbia “hollow beveled chisel,” probably from Gaulish (compare Old Irish gulban “prick, prickle,” Welsh gylfin “beak”). Meaning “an imposition, a cheat” is from 1845, American English colloquial.Related entries & more
gouge (n.)mid-14c.,“带有凹刃的凿子”,源自古法语 gouge“a gouge”(14c.),源自晚期拉丁语 gubia,gulbia 的变体“空心斜面凿子”,可能源自高卢语(比较古爱尔兰语 gulban “刺,刺”,威尔士语 gylfin “喙”)。意思是“强加,欺骗”来自 1845 年,美国英语口语。相关条目及更多
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