书名:Revolutionary Spring: Fighting for a New World 1848-1849
作者:Christopher Clark
New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice * From the bestselling author of The Sleepwalkers comes an epic history of the 1848 revolutions that swept Europe, and the charismatic figures who propelled them forward “Refreshingly original .
Familiar characters are given vibrancy and previously unknown players emerge from the shadows.
“–The Times (UK) A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: New Yorker, The Economist, Financial Times As history, the uprisings of 1848 have long been overshadowed by the French Revolution of 1789 and the Russian revolutions of the early twentieth century.
And yet in 1848 nearly all of Europe was aflame with conflict.
Parallel political tumults spread like brush fire across the entire continent, leading to significant changes that continue to shape our world today.
These battles for the future were fought with one eye kept squarely on the past: The men and women of 1848 saw the urgent challenges of their world as shaped profoundly by the past, and saw themselves as inheritors of a revolutionary tradition.
Celebrated Cambridge historian Christopher Clark describes 1848 as “the particle collision chamber at the center of the European nineteenth century,” a moment when political movements and ideas–from socialism and democratic radicalism to liberalism, nationalism, corporatism, and conservatism–were tested and transformed.
The insurgents asked questions that sound modern to our ears: What happens when demands for political or economic liberty conflict with demands for social rights? How do we reconcile representative and direct forms of democracy? How is capitalism connected to social inequality? The revolutions of 1848 were short-lived, but their impact on public life and political thought throughout Europe and beyond has been profound.
Meticulously researched, elegantly written, and filled with a cast of charismatic figures, including the social theorist Alexis de Tocqueville, the writer George Sand, and the troubled priest Félicité de Lamennais, who struggled to reconcile his faith with politics, Revolutionary Spring offers a new understanding of 1848 that suggests chilling parallels to our present moment.
“Looking back at the revolutions from the end of the first quarter of the twenty-first century, it is impossible not to be struck by the resonances,” Clark writes.
“If a revolution is coming for us, it may look something like 1848.
《纽约时报》书评编辑精选 * 畅销书《梦游者》作者讲述了席卷欧洲的 1848 年革命的史诗般的历史,以及推动革命向前发展的魅力人物“令人耳目一新的原创……熟悉的角色被赋予了活力和前所未闻的活力”玩家们从阴影中崛起。
”——《泰晤士报》(英国)年度最佳图书:《纽约客》、《经济学人》、《金融时报》 作为历史,1848 年的起义早已被 1789 年的法国大革命和俄国革命所掩盖二十世纪初。
然而 1848 年,几乎整个欧洲都陷入了冲突之中。
这些为未来而进行的斗争是在一只眼睛紧盯着过去的情况下进行的:1848 年的男男女女看到了他们的世界面临着由过去深刻影响的紧迫挑战,并将自己视为革命传统的继承者。
著名的剑桥历史学家克里斯托弗·克拉克 (Christopher Clark) 将 1848 年描述为“欧洲 19 世纪中心的粒子碰撞室”,在这一时刻,政治运动和思想——从社会主义和民主激进主义到自由主义、民族主义、法团主义和保守主义——都受到了考验。
叛乱分子提出了一些听起来很现代的问题:当对政治或经济自由的要求与对社会权利的要求发生冲突时会发生什么?我们如何协调代议制民主和直接民主形式?资本主义与社会不平等有何关系? 1848 年的革命虽然短暂,但对整个欧洲及其他地区的公共生活和政治思想产生了深远的影响。
对 1848 年的理解表明,这与我们现在的时刻有着令人不寒而栗的相似之处。
“如果一场革命即将来临,那可能会像 1848 年那样。
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