英音/ træmp / 美音/ træmp /
It was daybreak on one of the last days of winter, and the tank commander and his deputy tramped through the snow checking on the men as they readied for battle.
—New York Times
Mr. Trump has described people experiencing homelessness as “violent and dangerously deranged,” and a Cicero Institute podcast asked whether phrases like “vagrants, bums, tramps” are preferable to “homeless.”
—New York Times
A technician tramped up and down picturesque but rickety staircases in Schiewe’s foliage-filled yard, examining an empty birdbath standing near a collection of ceramic mushrooms, and training a flashlight behind potted plants.
一名技术人员在 Schiewe 种满树叶的院子里,在风景如画但摇摇晃晃的楼梯上走来走去,检查了陶瓷蘑菇旁边的一个空水盆,并在盆栽植物后面用手电筒照射。
—Washington Post
travel on foot, especially on a walking expedition
footslog,pad,plod,slog,trudge,hiker,tramper,hike,hiking,tramp steamer,cast,drift,ramble,range,roam,roll,rove,stray,swan,vagabond,wander,bum,hobo
Tramp comes from the German trampen, for “stamp.” If you walk heavily, people will say you tramp, but if you’re going on a tramp, that means you’re going for a long walk or hike. If someone calls you a tramp, they either mean you’re a slut or a hobo — each meaning comes vagrant, or wanderer, and the low-life behaviors associated with vagrants.
Tramp 的意思是走路或重重地跺脚。半夜去厨房买牛奶和饼干并不会让楼下的邻居感到兴奋。
Tramp comes from the German trampen, for “stamp.” If you walk heavily, people will say you tramp, but if you’re going on a tramp, that means you’re going for a long walk or hike. If someone calls you a tramp, they either mean you’re a slut or a hobo — each meaning comes vagrant, or wanderer, and the low-life behaviors associated with vagrants.
From the prison yard, the tramp of feet.
—The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Father tramped up the steep stairs, bending his dark head where the roof slanted, and stood with his arm around Hab’s shoulders, smiling down at Nat.
—Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham
“We should have stayed and found some way to climb out; now you don’t even know how long it will be before this passage stops. We might go on tramping for days.”
—The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander
tramp (v.)late 14c., “walk heavily, stamp,” from Middle Low German trampen “to stamp,” from Proto-Germanic *tremp- (source also of Danish trampe, Swedish trampa “to tramp, stamp,” Gothic ana-trimpan “to press upon”), from PIE *der- (1) “to run, walk, step” (see tread (v.)). Related: Tramped; tramping.Related entries & more
Tramp (v.)late 14c., “沉重地行走,跺脚”,源自中古低地德语 trappen “踩踏”,源自原始日耳曼语 *tremp- (也源自丹麦语 Trampe、瑞典语 trappa “踩踏、跺脚”,哥特语ana-trimpan “压在上面”),源自 PIE *der- (1) “跑、走、迈”(参见踩 (v.))。相关: 被践踏;徒步旅行。相关条目及更多
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