单词详解 | expedite

英音/ ˈekspədaɪt / 美音/ ˈekspədaɪt /


Last week, Biden’s administration gave hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers ffrom Venezuela temporary protected status, which would expedite their ability to legally work in the United States.
Washington Times

A coterie of involved attorneys estimate that perhaps 100 migrants have secured formal representation, and only hundreds more have received informal advice through one-time phone calls ahead of the expedited screenings.
一群参与其中的律师估计,大约有 100 名移民已经获得了正式代表,只有数百人在快速筛查前通过一次性电话获得了非正式建议。
Washington Times

“What Covid did was fast-tracked and expedited the concern about the materials in our children’s education,” said Christian Ziegler, chairman of the Florida Republican Party, whose wife, Bridget Ziegler, was a Moms for Liberty co-founder.
佛罗里达州共和党主席克里斯蒂安·齐格勒 (Christian Ziegler) 说:“新冠病毒的做法是快速跟踪,加速了人们对孩子教育材料的担忧。”他的妻子布里奇特·齐格勒 (Bridget Ziegler) 是“自由妈妈”组织的联合创始人。
New York Times

process fast and efficiently


If someone says, “Let me expedite the process,” that’s probably a good thing: they’re offering to speed things up. If you’ve ever waited in line a long time, then you must have wished someone could expedite things. A driver can expedite his commute by going in the faster car-pool lane. Whenever there’s a lot of paperwork for something, it’s nice to know someone who can expedite the process. When you see the word expedite, think “Make faster!”

If someone says, “Let me expedite the process,” that’s probably a good thing: they’re offering to speed things up. If you’ve ever waited in line a long time, then you must have wished someone could expedite things. A driver can expedite his commute by going in the faster car-pool lane. Whenever there’s a lot of paperwork for something, it’s nice to know someone who can expedite the process. When you see the word expedite, think “Make faster!”

I expedited my journey as well as I could, inquiring everywhere about diligences, and invariably receiving false information.
Letters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from Italy and Switzerland by Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix

And during the grinding we may place a weight on the cover, which will greatly expedite the process.
Modern Machine-Shop Practice, Volumes I and II by Rose, Joshua

He did everything in his power to expedite matters, but red tape was stronger than gold lace.
The Airship “Golden Hind” by Westerman, Percy F. (Percy Francis)

expedite (v.)”to remove impediments to the movement or progress of, accelerate the motion or progress of, hasten, quicken,” 1610s, from Latin expeditus, past participle of expedire “extricate, disengage, liberate; procure, make ready, put in order, make fit, prepare; explain, make clear,” literally “free the feet from fetters,” hence to liberate from difficulties, from ex “out” (see ex-) + *pedis “fetter, chain for the feet,” related to pes (genitive pedis) “foot” (from PIE root *ped- “foot”). Compare Greek pede “fetter.” Related: Expedited; expediting.Related entries & more

expedite (v.)“消除运动或进展的障碍,加速运动或进展,加速,加快”,1610年代,源自拉丁语expeditus,expedire的过去分词“解脱,脱离,解放;获得,准备,整理,使适合,准备;解释,说清楚”,字面意思是“将脚从束缚中解放出来”,因此从困难中解放出来,从前“出去”(见前-)+ *pedis“脚上的束缚,锁链” ,”与 pes(生殖足)“脚”相关(来自 PIE 根 *ped-“脚”)。比较希腊语pede“脚镣”。相关:加急;加急。相关条目及更多

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