单词详解 | plead

英音/ pliːd / 美音/ pliːd /


A former US tax worker has pleaded guilty to the unauthorised leak of ex-president Donald Trump’s personal tax records to news organisations.

Speaking for many as the series concludes, one real-life victim pleads: “Please don’t let this ever happen again.”

Mr Bankman-Fried is pleading not guilty to misusing customer funds and money laundering while bankruptcy lawyers are trying to locate the missing billions.

appeal or request earnestly


The term plead comes from the word plea, which is from the legal system, where lawyers make a plea to the court and argue a case for their client. To plead is to ask for something from someone, often on the verge of begging. You may plead with the phone company to give an appointment time that spans only three hours, but, regardless of your pleading, they will make you wait eight hours for the technician to finally show.
恳求某人就是试图说服他们以你的方式看待事情。您的孩子可能会恳求您让他们乘坐 1968 年建造的超大型过山车,但您更清楚。

The term plead comes from the word plea, which is from the legal system, where lawyers make a plea to the court and argue a case for their client. To plead is to ask for something from someone, often on the verge of begging. You may plead with the phone company to give an appointment time that spans only three hours, but, regardless of your pleading, they will make you wait eight hours for the technician to finally show.

“Please,” she pleaded, staring at us with urgent eyes.
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

“But Edgar’s no name for a girl. At least make it Annabelle,” she pleaded, “or Lee, like the other poem.”
Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Pérez

“You’re not safe in the town. It’s better out on the canal where no one can hurt you,” pleaded the old man.
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

plead (v.)mid-13c., pleden, “make a plea in court,” from Anglo-French pleder, Old French plaidier, “plead at court” (11c.), from Medieval Latin placitare, from Late Latin placitum “lawsuit,” in classical Latin, “opinion, decree,” literally “that which pleases, thing which is agreed upon,” properly neuter past participle of placere “to please, give pleasure, be approved” (see please).
From mid-14c. as “advance (something) as evidence, cite (something) in support of an action or in response to a complaint.” Sense of “request, beg” is recorded from c. 1400. Related: Pleaded; pleading; pleadingly.Related entries & more

诉状 (v.)mid-13c., pleden,“在法庭上提出请求”,源自英法 pleder,古法语 plaidier,“在法庭上诉求”(11c.),源自中世纪拉丁语 placitare,源自晚期拉丁语 placitum “诉讼,”在古典拉丁语中,“意见,法令”,字面意思是“令人高兴的事情,达成一致的事情”,是placere的中性过去分词“取悦,给予快乐,被批准”(参见please)。从 14 世纪中期开始。 “提前(某事)作为证据,引用(某事)来支持某项行动或回应投诉。” “请求、乞求”的意思是从c记录下来的。 1400.相关:恳求;恳求;恳求。相关条目及更多

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