英音/ breɪd / 美音/ breɪd /
They wear their names and numbers on their backs, their hair tied in long, neat braids.
—New York Times
Gilpin describes the show as “No Country for Old Looney Toons,” and revels in the braided genres she gets to act in.
—Washington Post
I choose to wear my hair in braids to protect it from getting damaged and dirty when I play.
make by braiding or interlacing
lace,plait,pleach,plait,tress,twist,braiding,gold braid
Have you ever seen someone with their hair bound together in thick, rope-like arrangements? That hairdo is called braids. Women often braid each other’s hair or get it braided by a hairdresser. The longer your hair, the longer your potential braids. To braid hair, you have to weave the strands of hair together: this is also called plaiting, lacing, and interlacing. Other materials can be braided, but the most popular thing to braid is definitely hair.
Have you ever seen someone with their hair bound together in thick, rope-like arrangements? That hairdo is called braids. Women often braid each other’s hair or get it braided by a hairdresser. The longer your hair, the longer your potential braids. To braid hair, you have to weave the strands of hair together: this is also called plaiting, lacing, and interlacing. Other materials can be braided, but the most popular thing to braid is definitely hair.
Turtle had dashed in shouting: “The braided tortoise strikes again!” and kicked a surprised Theo in the shin.
—The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
He wore a blue suit buttoned all the way up the front with bright gilt buttons, and trimmed with braid, and he had copper-toed shoes.
—Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Then she had braided her hair, using her hands to interweave the thick dark strands deftly, tying the end of the heavy plait with a leather strip.
—Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry
braid (v.)”plait, knit, weave, twist together,” c. 1200, breidan, from Old English bregdan “move quickly, pull, shake, swing, throw (in wrestling), draw (a sword); bend, weave, knit, join together; change color, vary; scheme, feign, pretend” (class III strong verb, past tense brægd, past participle brogden), from Proto-Germanic *bregdanan “make sudden jerky movements from side to side” (compare Old Norse bregða “brandish, turn about, move quickly; braid;” Old Saxon bregdan “weave, braid;” Old Frisian brida “twitch (the eye);” Dutch breien “knit;” Old High German brettan “draw, weave, braid”), perhaps from a PIE root *bhrek- (compare Sanskrit bhurati “moves quickly,” Lithuanian bruzdùs “fast”), but there are phonetic difficulties. In English the verb survives only in the narrow definition of “plait hair.” Related: Braided; braiding.Related entries & more
辫子(v.)“编结、针织、编织、捻在一起”c。 1200, breidan, 源自古英语 bregdan “快速移动、拉、摇、摆动、投掷(摔跤)、拔(剑);弯曲、编织、编织、连接在一起;改变颜色、变化;计划、佯装、假装” (第三类强动词,过去式 brægd,过去分词 brogden),源自原始日耳曼语 *bregdanan“从一侧到另一侧突然做出急促的动作”(比较古挪威语 bregða“挥舞,转身,快速移动;辫子;”古撒克逊语bregdan “编织、编织;”古弗里斯兰语 brida “抽搐(眼睛);”荷兰语 breien “针织;”古高地德语 brettan “绘制、编织、编织”),可能来自 PIE 词根 *bhrek-(比较梵文 bhurati “动作很快”,立陶宛语 bruzdùs“快”),但存在语音困难。在英语中,这个动词只存在于“辫子头发”的狭义定义中。相关:编织;编织。相关条目及更多
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