单词详解 | streak

英音/ striːk / 美音/ striːk /


He’s always had the stubborn streak in him.

But Crawford, in his 18th consecutive championship bout, staked a firm claim as the world’s best boxer as he extended his win streak to 40 fights at T-Mobile Arena.
但克劳福德在 T-Mobile 竞技场连续 18 场冠军赛中将自己的连胜场数扩大到 40 场,从而牢牢宣称自己是世界上最好的拳击手。

Video shot from the Romanian side of the Danube River showed rapid-fire bursts of Ukrainian anti-aircraft fire streaking through the night sky followed by two orange fireballs exploding near the port area.
Washington Times

a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background


Like a mark or stain, a streak in a person is a characteristic or strain that runs through them — like a mean streak. The noun streak can also refer to an unbroken chain of events — you’ll want a lucky streak to keep going and a losing streak to come to a quick end. As a verb, to streak means to dash, sometimes without clothes. If you talk a blue streak, you’ve got a lot to say, very quickly.

Like a mark or stain, a streak in a person is a characteristic or strain that runs through them — like a mean streak. The noun streak can also refer to an unbroken chain of events — you’ll want a lucky streak to keep going and a losing streak to come to a quick end. As a verb, to streak means to dash, sometimes without clothes. If you talk a blue streak, you’ve got a lot to say, very quickly.
就像标记或污点一样,一个人身上的条纹是贯穿他们的特征或张力——就像卑鄙的条纹一样。名词 streak 也可以指一连串不间断的事件——你会希望连续幸运能够持续下去,而连续失败则能够快速结束。作为动词,to streak 的意思是冲刺,有时甚至不穿衣服。如果你说的是蓝色条纹,那么你很快就会有很多话要说。

His armor was shiny new; a bright streak of fire ran down his outstretched arm, as the steel caught the light.
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

“Everybody in Raleigh’s got blue streaks in their hair.”
Wish by Barbara O’Connor

Her hands were stained with blackberry juice, and when she wiped the tears from her eyes she streaked the purple from her nose to her cheekbone.
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

streak (n.)Middle English strik, strike, from Old English strica “line of motion, stroke of a pen” in writing or as a mark for measurement.” This is related to strican “pass over lightly,” and from a Proto-Germanic *strikon- (source also of Middle Dutch streke, Dutch streek, Middle Low German streke “a stroke, line,” Old High German, German strich, Gothic striks “a stroke, line”). This is said to be from PIE root *strig- “to stroke, rub, press” (see strigil; also compare strike (v.), stroke (v.)).
Extended in Middle English to irregular bands or long, thin stroke marks generally (in fabrics, etc.). By 1560s especially as “line of color as a distinctive mark in the coat of an animal,” hence figuratively, “trait, turn of character or disposition.” In reference to strands of hair by 1949.
As something indicative of swiftness, by 1839, American-English colloquial, probably from its use in reference to lightning flashes, which is attested by 1742. The meaning “temporary run” (of luck) is by 1841, American English colloquial.

Beside these, we took in a hundred sacks of corn, and some other merchandize. The captain seemed well pleased with his morning’s work, saying he had a
streak of luck that day. [Eliza R. Steele, “A Summer Journey in the West,” 1841]

Stroke of luck is attested by 1755 and perhaps this is from or influenced by that phrase.Related entries & more

streak (n.) 中古英语 strik、strike,源自古英语 strica“书写时的运动线、笔划或作为测量标记。”这与 strican“轻轻经过”有关,并且来自原始语-日耳曼语 *strikon-(也源自中古荷兰语 strreke、荷兰语 streek、中古低地德语 streks“一笔、线”、古高地德语、德语 strich、哥特式 striks“一笔、线”)。据说这是来自PIE 词根 *strig-“抚摸、摩擦、按压”(参见 strigil;也可比较strike (v.)、strike (v.))。在中古英语中扩展为一般不规则带或长而细的笔画痕迹(在织物、等)。到了 1560 年代,尤其是“作为动物皮毛上的独特标记的颜色线”,因此象征性地表示“特征、性格或性情的转变。”到 1949 年,指的是头发丝。作为指示性的东西迅速,到1839年,美国英语口语,可能来自于它用于指代闪电,这在1742年得到证实。到了1841年,意思是“暂时的运行”(运气)。除此之外,我们还带了一百袋玉米和其他一些商品。船长似乎对他早上的工作很满意,说他那天运气很好。 [伊丽莎·R·斯蒂尔 (Eliza R. Steele),《西方夏日之旅》,1841 年] 1755 年证明了运气好,也许这来自该短语或受该短语的影响。相关条目及更多

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