英音/ ˈkʌvənənt / 美音/ ˈkʌvənənt /
In the decade after the 1995 assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a Jewish zealot, Rabbi Medan worked on a covenant for coexistence between religious and secular Jews in Israel.
1995 年总理伊扎克·拉宾 (Yitzhak Rabin) 被一名犹太狂热分子刺杀后的十年里,拉比·梅丹 (Rabbi Medan) 致力于制定以色列宗教犹太人与世俗犹太人共存的盟约。
—New York Times
Black people were allowed to live in the city, but local covenants kept them confined to one neighborhood, the 5th Ward.
—Washington Post
The farmer told Mr. Toll that his family had a Colonial-era covenant, from Pennsylvania’s namesake William Penn no less, that gave him access to a water site on the Toll subdivision.
农民告诉托尔先生,他的家人在宾夕法尼亚州同名的威廉·佩恩 (William Penn) 签订了殖民时代的契约,这使他能够使用托尔分区的一个水位。
—Washington Post
(Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return
There are some places where you’ll hear covenant get used. It’s a little old fashioned and formal, but marriage is often referred to as a covenant. The most famous covenant appears in the Bible — God tells a shepherd named Abraham to follow God’s instructions in exchange for making Abraham’s descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky.
There are some places where you’ll hear covenant get used. It’s a little old fashioned and formal, but marriage is often referred to as a covenant. The most famous covenant appears in the Bible — God tells a shepherd named Abraham to follow God’s instructions in exchange for making Abraham’s descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky.
But it was scary in those dialogue-free moments, because the covenant with illusion that we all make when we go to the theater had been broken.
—ArtsBeat: Theater Talkback: Good Glitch, Bad Glitch by BEN BRANTLEY
Professional wrestlers have an unspoken covenant with the audience, dictating that although the bouts they’re presenting are scripted, the athleticism and drama on display in the ring is very real.
—“GLOW” returns to Netflix with an excellent season 2, right when we need it by Melanie McFarland
“There were restrictive covenants, and our parents integrated previously all-white neighborhoods.”
—Viewing Los Angeles Through a Creole Lens by Farai Chideya
covenant (n.)c. 1300, covenaunt, “mutual compact to do or not do something, a contract,” from Old French covenant, convenant “agreement, pact, promise” (12c.), originally present participle of covenir “agree, meet,” from Latin convenire “come together, unite; be suitable, agree,” from com- “together” (see com-) + venire “to come,” from a suffixed form of PIE root *gwa- “to go, come.”
In law, “a promise made by deed” (late 14c.). Applied in Scripture to God’s arrangements with man as a translation of Latin testamentum, Greek diatheke, both rendering Hebrew berith (though testament also is used for the same word in different places). Meaning “solemn agreement between members of a church” is from 1630s; specifically those of the Scottish Presbyterians in 1638 and 1643 (see covenanter).Related entries & more
契约 (n.)c. 1300, covenaunt,“做或不做某事的相互契约,一份合同”,源自古法语 covenant,convenant“协议、契约、承诺”(12c.),covenir 的原始现在分词“同意、会面”,源自拉丁语 convenire “一起来,团结起来;适合,同意”,来自 com-“一起”(参见 com-)+ venire“来”,来自 PIE 词根 *gwa- 的后缀形式“去,来”。在法律上,“通过行为做出的承诺”(14世纪末)。在《圣经》中应用于上帝对人的安排,作为拉丁语 testamentum 和希腊语 diatheke 的翻译,两者均译为希伯来语 berith(尽管 testament 在不同的地方也用于同一个词)。意思是“教会成员之间的庄严协议”,源自 1630 年代;特别是 1638 年和 1643 年的苏格兰长老会(参见盟约)。相关条目及更多
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