- conscious
- conscience
含义:adj. 意识到的;神志清醒的,有知觉的;关注的;刻意的,慎重的
英文短含义:Conscious is an adjective that simply means alert and awake. If you fall from a tree and smack your head on the side of the wheelbarrow, there’s a good chance you won’t be conscious afterward./
Conscious 是一个形容词,仅表示警觉和清醒。如果你从树上掉下来,头撞到独轮车的一侧,你很有可能会失去知觉。
英文长含义:Conscious is a Latin word whose original meaning was “knowing” or “aware.” So a conscious person has an awareness of her environment and her own existence and thoughts. If you’re “self-conscious,” you’re overly aware and even embarrassed by how you think you look or act. But that sounds better than being unconscious, or totally unaware and out of it.
Conscious 是一个拉丁词,其原意是“知道”或“意识到”。因此,一个有意识的人对她的环境以及她自己的存在和思想都有意识。如果你有“自我意识”,你就会过度意识到自己的外表或行为,甚至会感到尴尬。但这听起来总比无意识或完全不知道和不知道要好。
例句1:Presently I stood within that clean, bright kitchen—on the very hearth—trembling, sickening; conscious of an aspect in the last degree ghastly, wild, and weather-beaten.
– from Jane Eyre
例句2:“They are calling it a massive stroke. We’re lucky he didn’t die. But he’s still not conscious yet, so we don’t know how it has affected him.”
– from Finding Junie Kim
例句3:Several people who remained conscious throughout, while appearing to have been quite dead, could only describe a remarkable sensation of detachment.
– from The Lives of a Cell
含义:n. 良知,良心;内疚,愧疚
英文短含义:A conscience is a built-in sense of what’s right and what’s wrong. That sick feeling in your stomach after you lied to your brother about borrowing his skateboard? That might be your conscience bothering you./
英文长含义:The word conscience contains the word science, which comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning “to know” or “knowledge.” You can think of your conscience as your knowledge of yourself, especially when it comes to your own morals, or your feelings about right and wrong. Pangs of conscience, which feel like an uncomfortable inner voice, are helpful when you’re trying to decide the right thing to do in a particular situation.
良心一词包含科学一词,它来自拉丁语 scientia,意思是“知道”或“知识”。您可以将良心视为对自己的了解,尤其是在涉及到自己的道德或对与错的感觉时。当你试图决定在特定情况下做正确的事情时,良心的痛苦,感觉像是一种不舒服的内心声音,很有帮助。
例句1:“He just wants to save his own skin. That’s why he’s helping us! He doesn’t have a guilty conscience, oh no. Why should he?”
– from Inkheart
例句2:He gazed at them unseeingly, fighting against his conscience, against beginning to see the justice in what Aurelia had said.
– from Tiger, Tiger
例句3:So they went to this early mass, got it over with and went home and slept all day with a free conscience.
– from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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