单词详解 | shade

英音/ ʃeɪd / 美音/ ʃeɪd /


Mr. N’doli had called the owner to ask that the car be moved into the shade, but was told the owner had already left for the gym.
New York Times

In Madrid, the few people out at midday in the Barrio de las Letras avoided the embedded quotations from Quixote, blinding in the sun, and walked in the slivers of shade alongside buildings.
New York Times

Scouts said that they had trouble finding shade.
New York Times

relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body
背阴处,阴凉处;(图画中的)暗处;遮光物,灯罩;<美>(能上下卷叠的)窗帘,百叶窗;<非正式>太阳镜,墨镜(shades);(色彩的)浓淡深浅,色度;差别,不同;略微,少量(a shade);让人想起……的事物(shades of);次要地位,不显眼;<文>鬼,幽灵;地狱,冥府(the Shades);<史>剪影

shadiness,shadowiness,shade off,shadow,fill in,tad,nicety,nuance,refinement,subtlety,tincture,tint,tone,ghost,specter,spectre,spook,wraith

Other meanings of shade also come from the sense of “blocking the sun,” like a window shade, the shade that diffuses the light from a lamp, or the shades (or sunglasses) you wear at the beach. The same is true when shade is a verb: “This hat is ridiculously big, but it really shades my face from the sun!” If you “throw shade,” you’re criticizing or expressing contempt for someone in a public way.

Other meanings of shade also come from the sense of “blocking the sun,” like a window shade, the shade that diffuses the light from a lamp, or the shades (or sunglasses) you wear at the beach. The same is true when shade is a verb: “This hat is ridiculously big, but it really shades my face from the sun!” If you “throw shade,” you’re criticizing or expressing contempt for someone in a public way.

He groped for neutral words, words that would convey information but not indicate any shade of his own feelings.
Native Son by Richard Wright

He led the wounded fox to a mossy circle of shade beneath a pine.
Pax by Sara Pennypacker

“He’s got the gangrene in his feet,” Sonny said, pointing to Day’s toes, which were several shades darker than the rest of him and covered with open sores.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

shade (n.)Middle English shade, schade, Kentish ssed, “dark image cast by someone or something; comparative obscurity or gloom caused by the blockage of light,” from late Old English scead “partial darkness; shelter, protection,” also partly from sceadu “shade, shadow, darkness; shady place, arbor, protection from glare or heat.” Both are from Proto-Germanic *skadwaz (source also of Old Saxon skado, Middle Dutch scade, Dutch schaduw, Old High German scato, German Schatten, Gothic skadus), from PIE *skot-wo-, from root *skoto- “dark, shade.” shade, shadow, nn. It seems that the difference in form is fairly to be called an accidental one, the first representing the nominative & the second the oblique cases of the same word. The meanings are as closely parallel or intertwined as might be expected from this original identity, the wonder being that, with a differentiation so vague, each form should have maintained its existence by the side of the other. [Fowler]Figurative use in reference to comparative obscurity is from 1640s. Hence throw into the shade, etc., “obscure by contrast or superior brilliancy.” The meaning “a ghost” is from 1610s; dramatic (or mock-dramatic) expression shades of _____ to invoke or acknowledge a memory is from 1818, from the “ghost” sense. Meaning “lamp cover” is from 1780. Sense of “window blind” is recorded by 1845. The meaning “cover to protect the eyes” is from 1801. Meaning “grade of color” is recorded from 1680s; that of “degree or gradation of darkness in a color” is from 1680s (compare nuance, from French nue “cloud”). Meaning “small amount or degree” is from 1749.Related entries & more

中古英语阴影,schade,肯特语 ssed,“某人或某物投射的黑暗图像;由于光线阻挡而造成的相对模糊或阴暗”,来自晚期古英语 scead “部分黑暗;庇护所,保护”,也部分来自 sceadu “阴影,阴影,黑暗;阴凉的地方,凉亭,免受眩光或高温的保护。”两者均源自原始日耳曼语 *skadwaz(也源自古撒克逊语 skado、中古荷兰语 scade、荷兰语 schaduw、古高地德语 scato、德语 Schatten、哥特语 skadus),源自 PIE *skot-wo-,源自词根 *skoto-“dark” ,阴影。”阴影,影子,nn.形式上的差异似乎可以称为偶然差异,第一个代表主格,第二个代表同一个词的斜格。正如这种原始身份所预期的那样,这些含义是紧密平行或交织在一起的,令人惊奇的是,由于区别如此模糊,每种形式都应该在另一种形式的旁边维持其存在。 [Fowler] 比喻性的使用来自 1640 年代的比较默默无闻。因此,陷入阴影等,“对比之下晦涩难懂,或者光芒四射”。 “幽灵”的意思源自1610年代;用来唤起或确认记忆的戏剧性(或模拟戏剧性)表达色调来自 1818 年,来自“幽灵”的意义。 “灯罩”的意思是从1780年开始的。“百叶窗”的意思是从1845年开始记录的。“保护眼睛的盖子”的意思是从1801年开始。“颜色等级”的意思是从1680年代开始记录的。 “颜色的暗度或渐变”一词源自 1680 年代(比较 nuance,源自法语 nue“云”)。意思是“少量或程度”,源自 1749 年。相关条目及更多

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