英音/ reɪdʒ / 美音/ reɪdʒ /
Bh6, and White gets three pawns for the piece and a raging attack.
—Washington Times
Whipped by bruising winds, the firestorm was raging its way west toward her and others in similar straits.
—New York Times
“I can feel the rage,” said one X user.
“我能感受到愤怒,”一位 X 用户说道。
a feeling of intense anger
盛怒,狂怒;粗暴的举动,愤怒的行为;(喻)(自然事物的)狂暴,凶猛;<非正式>风靡一时,非常流行;强烈的欲望,激情;<文>(尤指预示的、诗意的或武力的)狂热;<澳新,非正式> 欢乐聚会,热闹的活动
If you’re full of rage, you’re full of anger — powerful, extreme, sometimes even violent anger. Rage can also be a verb: you might rage against something you hate or as the poet Dylan Thomas pleaded, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Things that rage are out of control, like a raging, roaring fire or a wild storm. Another meaning involves the latest, greatest trend — you’d say it’s “all the rage.”
If you’re full of rage, you’re full of anger — powerful, extreme, sometimes even violent anger. Rage can also be a verb: you might rage against something you hate or as the poet Dylan Thomas pleaded, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Things that rage are out of control, like a raging, roaring fire or a wild storm. Another meaning involves the latest, greatest trend — you’d say it’s “all the rage.”
Matching suede knapsacks and headbands were probably all the rage in Switzerland, I thought.
—When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
Then, with sudden rage, “Listen! If that metal mess gives me any lip like that, I’ll knock that chromium cranium right off its torso.”
—I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
With it, he seemed to have brushed off his anger—his pale, indifferent eyes no longer showed rage, hatred, or fear.
—Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
rage (n.)c. 1300, “madness, insanity; fit of frenzy; rashness, foolhardiness, intense or violent emotion, anger, wrath; fierceness in battle; violence” (of storms, fire, etc.), from Old French rage, raige “spirit, passion, rage, fury, madness” (11c.), from Medieval Latin rabia, from Latin rabies “madness, rage, fury,” related to rabere “be mad, rave” (compare rabies, which originally had this sense). This is said by some sources to be from PIE *rebh- “violent, impetuous” (source also of Old English rabbian “to rage”), but de Vaan finds this uncertain and sees no convincing etymology.Similarly, Welsh (cynddaredd) and Breton (kounnar) words for “rage, fury” originally meant “hydrophobia” and are compounds based on the word for “dog” (Welsh ci, plural cwn; Breton ki).It is attested from late 14c. in the sense of “fit of carnal lust or sexual desire.” In 15c.-16c. it also could mean “rabies.” Other Middle English senses, now obsolete, include “come to a boil; grieve, mourn, lament; flirt, make love.” The rage “fashion, vogue” dates from 1785.Related entries & more
愤怒 (n.)c. 1300,“疯狂,精神错乱;疯狂;鲁莽,鲁莽,强烈或暴力的情绪,愤怒,愤怒;战斗中的凶猛;暴力”(风暴,火灾等),源自古法语 rage,raige“精神,激情,愤怒,愤怒,疯狂”(11c.),源自中世纪拉丁语rabia,源自拉丁语狂犬病“疯狂,愤怒,愤怒”,与rabere“疯狂,狂欢”相关(比较狂犬病,最初有这种含义)。一些消息来源称这来自 PIE *rebh-“暴力、冲动”(也是古英语拉比语“愤怒”的来源),但 de Vaan 发现这一点不确定,并且没有令人信服的词源。同样,威尔士语 (cynddaredd) 和布列塔尼语 (kounnar) 中表示“愤怒、愤怒”的词最初的意思是“恐惧症”,是基于“狗”一词的复合词(威尔士语 ci,复数 cwn;布列塔尼 ki)。这一说法从 14 世纪末开始得到证实。意思是“肉欲或性欲的发作”。在15c.-16c。它也可能意味着“狂犬病”。其他中古英语的含义现已过时,包括“沸腾;悲伤、哀悼、哀叹;调情、做爱”。 “时尚”风潮可追溯到 1785 年。相关条目及更多
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