英音/ ˈɡrɪməs / 美音/ ˈɡrɪməs /
They grimaced at the United States’ insistence on negotiating with Iran, fearing it would empower their regional nemesis.
—New York Times
At one point it looked like American Dillashaw, 36, was going to tap out, before he grimaced and fought on, surviving until the end of the round.
有一次,36 岁的美国人迪拉肖 (American Dillashaw) 似乎即将出局,但他却做了个鬼脸,继续战斗,直到回合结束。
You sensed even to his own surprise, he connected with quite a lot and, alongside an ever more grimacing Stokes, dragged England close to parity.
contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state
make a face,pull a face,face
Picture someone wrinkling his nose, squeezing his eyes shut, and twisting his mouth and you’ll have a pretty solid mental image of a grimace. It can be a verb, as in “the class grimaced at the teacher’s suggestion of a pop quiz.” Or it words as a noun. “The class gave a grimace when the teacher suggested a pop quiz.” Its forerunner was the 17th century Spanish grimazo, meaning caricature, and grima, meaning fright.
Picture someone wrinkling his nose, squeezing his eyes shut, and twisting his mouth and you’ll have a pretty solid mental image of a grimace. It can be a verb, as in “the class grimaced at the teacher’s suggestion of a pop quiz.” Or it words as a noun. “The class gave a grimace when the teacher suggested a pop quiz.” Its forerunner was the 17th century Spanish grimazo, meaning caricature, and grima, meaning fright.
想象一个人皱起鼻子、闭上眼睛、扭动嘴巴,你的脑海里就会浮现出一个非常真实的鬼脸形象。它可以是一个动词,如“全班同学因老师提出的小测验而皱眉”。或者它作为名词来表达。 “当老师建议进行小测验时,全班同学都做了个鬼脸。”它的前身是17世纪的西班牙语grimazo,意思是漫画,而grima,意思是恐惧。
Yossarian grimaced sourly at the mere mention of Captain Black, who was already bullying the new fliers each time they stepped into his intelligence tent for maps or information.
—Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
He goes back over the last twenty-four hours in his head: the sleeplessness, the pills, the tense little grimace Henry does in public that Alex has always read as aloofness.
—Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Ignatius asked Miss Trixie when the last grimace of her lips had stopped.
—A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
grimace (n.)1650s, from French grimace (15c.) “grotesque face, ugly mug,” possibly from Frankish or another Germanic source (compare Old Saxon grima “face mask,” Old English grima “mask, helmet”), from the same root as grim (adj.). With pejorative suffix -azo (from Latin -aceus).Related entries & more
grimace (n.)1650s,来自法语 grimace (15c.)“怪诞的脸,丑陋的杯子”,可能来自法兰克语或其他日耳曼语源(比较古撒克逊语 grima“面罩”,古英语 grima“面具,头盔”),来自与 grim(形容词)同根。带贬义后缀 -azo(来自拉丁语 -aceus)。相关条目及更多
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