单词详解 | gravel



Olympic mountain bike champion Pidcock used his fine descending skills to hold off his rivals in the race containing 11 sections of white gravel roads in Tuscany.

“Farmers would be left wondering whether artificially irrigated areas remain exempt or not. Construction crews would be left wondering whether their water-filled gravel pits remain exempt or not.”
New York Times

The town of McHenry sits on a crosshatch of gravel roads etched into an undulating plain of wheat and soybean farms and Angus cattle ranches.
New York Times

rock fragments and pebbles
n. 碎石,砂砾;(用于铺路及用作三合土的)砂砾;砂砾层;(医)尿砂

crushed rock,annoy,bother,chafe,devil,get at,get to,irritate,nark,nettle,rag,rile,vex,amaze,baffle,beat,bewilder,dumbfound,flummox,get,mystify,nonplus,perplex,pose,puzzle,stick,stupefy,vex

Roads, paths, walkways, and yards are all sometimes paved with gravel, which is a relatively inexpensive material to use for marking areas and preventing the growth of weeds and other plants. Gravel is more rough and rocky than sand, and smaller than stones. The word gravel comes from the French word gravele, “gravel or sand,” which in turn comes from grave, “seashore or sand.” The ultimate Proto-Indo-European root may be ghreu, “to rub or grind.”

Roads, paths, walkways, and yards are all sometimes paved with gravel, which is a relatively inexpensive material to use for marking areas and preventing the growth of weeds and other plants. Gravel is more rough and rocky than sand, and smaller than stones. The word gravel comes from the French word gravele, “gravel or sand,” which in turn comes from grave, “seashore or sand.” The ultimate Proto-Indo-European root may be ghreu, “to rub or grind.”
道路、小径、人行道和庭院有时都用砾石铺成,这是一种相对便宜的材料,可用于标记区域并防止杂草和其他植物的生长。砾石比沙子更粗糙、更坚硬,而且比石头更小。砾石一词源自法语“gravele”,意为“砾石或沙子”,而后者又源自“grave”,意为“海滨或沙子”。原始印欧语的最终词根可能是 ghreu,“摩擦或研磨”。

The gravel road was getting narrower as we approached the bottom of the hill.
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah

He moved back to the desk, intending to try the drawers, but with the heavy expectation of failure; and as he did so, he heard the faint crunch of tires on gravel.
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

At the hospital, Finn was poked, prodded, X-rayed, plucked free of embedded gravel, rubbed down with stinging antiseptic, and swaddled in bandages.
Bone Gap by Laura Ruby

gravel (n.)”stone in small, irregular fragments,” early 13c., from Old French gravele “sand, gravel; sea-shore; sandy bed of a river,” diminutive of grave “sand, seashore” (Modern French grève), possibly from Celtic *graw- (compare Welsh gro “coarse gravel,” Breton grouan, Cornish grow “gravel”), perhaps ultimately from PIE *ghreu- “to rub, grind” (see grit (n.)). Gravel-crusher was World War I slang for “infantryman.”Related entries & more

砾石 (n.)“小而不规则的碎片中的石头”,13世纪早期,源自古法语gravel“沙子,砾石;海岸;河床的沙床”,坟墓的缩写词“沙子,海岸”(现代法语 grève ),可能源自凯尔特语 *graw-(比较威尔士语 gro“粗砾石”,布列塔尼语 grouan,康沃尔语生长“砾石”),也许最终源自 PIE *ghreu-“摩擦,研磨”(参见 grit (n.))。碎石机是第一次世界大战时的俚语,意为“步兵”。相关条目及更多内容

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