But Ms. Abrams, who is trailing in the polls, is foreclosing receiving any help from Mr. Biden or national Democrats by stressing to voters that things are terrible.
—New York Times
The court’s decision last week on Mr. Modi’s lack of culpability found no evidence of criminal conspiracy behind the mob violence against Muslims, effectively foreclosing any further legal challenge to Mr. Modi.
—New York Times
She rejected the department’s argument that Mr. Trump was entirely foreclosed from raising the privilege in these circumstances.
—New York Times
keep from happening or arising; make impossible
vt. 阻止;排除;取消抵押品赎回权
To foreclose is to prevent something from happening. If you want to foreclose any possibility of getting in a car accident, you should travel by train instead.
Foreclose comes from the Old French forclore, “exclude or shut out,” which led to its sense of “bar from happening,” and also the legal meaning, “bar someone from redeeming a mortgage.” If a bank forecloses on a property, they take it away from the person who lives there. This typically happens once the homeowner has missed several payments on their mortgage, the money they owe after borrowing from the bank.
Foreclose 来自古法语 forclore,“排除或拒之门外”,这导致了它的“阻止发生”的意思,以及“阻止某人赎回抵押贷款”的法律含义。如果银行取消抵押品赎回权,他们会将财产从住在那里的人手中夺走。这种情况通常发生在房主错过数次抵押贷款付款时,即他们从银行借款后欠下的钱。
Fax quotes historian Michael Howard that armies often find themselves with poor strategies “not necessarily through the stupidity of their leaders but because all other options seem to be foreclosed or appear demonstrably worse.”
—‘With Their Bare Hands’ tracks America’s ascension to military power during WWI by Tony Perry
The foreclosed properties Rick acquires and resells may be repositories of hopes, dreams and family memories, but they’re also economic units, “boxes” to be emptied out, refilled and written down on a balance sheet.
—In ‘99 Homes,’ a Man Buffeted and Then Manipulated in Florida’s Foreclosure Disaster by A. O. Scott
When the clubs couldn’t meet payments on the loans, authorities stepped in to prevent the bank from foreclosing by using taxpayer money – 28 million euros of it so far.
当俱乐部无法偿还贷款时,当局介入以阻止银行使用纳税人的钱取消抵押品赎回权——迄今为止已经有 2800 万欧元。
—Spain props up soccer amid crushing austerity by JORGE SAINZ
foreclose (v.)late 13c., from Old French forclos, past participle of forclore “exclude, shut out; shun; drive away” (12c.), from fors “out” (Modern French hors; from Latin foris “outside;” see foreign) + clore “to shut” (see close (v.)). Senses in English influenced by words in for- (which is partly synonymous with the Latin word) and spelling by a mistaken association with native fore-. Specific mortgage law sense is first attested 1728. Other Middle English for- words in which the same prefix figures include forjuggen “condemn, convict, banish;” forloinen “forsake, stray from,” and forfeit. Related: Foreclosed; foreclosing.Related entries & more
foreclose (v.)late 13c.,源自古法语 forclos,forclore 的过去分词“排除、拒之门外;避开;赶走”(12c.),源自 fors“out”(现代法语 hors;源自拉丁语 foris“外面;外面”) ” 参见 foreign) + clore “关闭”(参见 close (v.))。英语中的语义受 for-(与拉丁词部分同义)中的词的影响,以及受与母语 fore- 的错误关联的拼写影响。 1728 年首次证实了特定的抵押法含义。 forloinen “抛弃,偏离”和没收。相关:止赎;止赎。相关条目及更多
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