单词详解 | flout



By contrast, Mr. Trump flouted time after time the norms of separation between the White House and law enforcement, even pressuring then-FBI Director James B. Comey to pledge his loyalty.
Washington Post

Several former aides said Trump spent his time in office flouting classification rules and intimidating staffers who might try to take secret intelligence material away from him.
Washington Post

His former political strategist, Steve Bannon, also flouted a similar legal summons from the select committee to testify, and he was found guilty in July of criminal contempt of Congress.
他的前政治战略家史蒂夫·班农 (Steve Bannon) 也藐视特别委员会发出的类似法律传票作证,他在 7 月被判藐视国会罪名成立。

treat with contemptuous disregard
v. 藐视,无视(规则、法律等);嘲笑,愚弄


To flout is to scorn or show contempt for. “I flout the law and the concept of civilian safety by making a concerted effort to jaywalk every time I cross a street.”
To flout 是蔑视或蔑视。 “每次我过马路时,我都会齐心协力乱穿马路,从而蔑视法律和平民安全的概念。”

Oddly enough, when flout came into existence in the 1550s, it had a much different sense to it than it does now; it’s believed that it evolved from the Middle English flowten, “to play the flute.” These days, the verb flout means “to scorn,” as in to scorn a law, person, or social norm by defying it. As a noun, it is a contemptuous remark or insult. Wrote William Shakespeare, “Flout ’em, and scout ’em; and scout ’em and flout ’em; Thought is free.”
奇怪的是,当 flout 在 1550 年代出现时,它的含义与现在大不相同;人们认为它是从中古英语 flowten 演变而来的,意思是“吹笛子”。如今,动词 flout 的意思是“蔑视”,例如通过蔑视法律、个人或社会规范来蔑视它。作为名词,这是一种轻蔑的言论或侮辱。威廉·莎士比亚写道,“嘲笑他们,侦察他们;侦察他们,嘲笑他们;思想是自由的。”

“Oh, flout the boy!” cried the magician passionately.
The Once and Future King by T. H. White

In their eyes, he was a danger to democracy—“a man who flouted the authority of the Senate, who overrode the Constitution while his followers cheered.”
The Woman All Spies Fear by Amy Butler Greenfield

“Secrets of the Magus,” by Mark Singer Ricky Jay does closeup magic that flouts reality.
Mark Singer Ricky Jay 的“Secrets of the Magus”展现了蔑视现实的特写魔术。
The Top Twenty-Five Most-Read Archive Stories of 2019 by Erin Overbey

flout (v.)”treat with disdain or contempt” (transitive), 1550s, intransitive sense “mock, jeer, scoff” is from 1570s; of uncertain origin; perhaps a special use of Middle English flowten “to play the flute” (compare Middle Dutch fluyten “to play the flute,” also “to jeer”). Related: Flouted; flouting.Related entries & more

flout (v.)“蔑视或蔑视”(及物),1550 年代,不及物意义“嘲笑、嘲笑、嘲笑”来自 1570 年代;来源不明;也许是中古英语 flowten“吹长笛”的特殊用法(比较中古荷兰语 fluyten“吹长笛”,也“嘲笑”)。相关:蔑视; flouting.Related 条目及更多

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