单词详解 | denigrate



When Francis delivered his apology here Monday for the church’s role in the residential school system, he noted how Indigenous languages and cultures had been “denigrated and suppressed.”
Washington Post

Putin reaffirmed his long-held claim that Russians and Ukrainians are part of a single people and again denigrated Ukraine as an “artificial state,” which received historic Russian lands from Communist rulers during the Soviet times.
Washington Times

Working in tandem with the state Republican Party, her campaign and other Republicans on the ticket prioritized voting in person on Election Day over voting by mail, which they regularly denigrated as fraud-ridden.
New York Times

charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
vt. 诋毁;使变黑;玷污


To denigrate is to say bad things — true or false — about a person or thing. Your reputation as a math whiz might be hurt if your jealous classmate manages to denigrate you, even though the accusations are unfounded.

The verb denigrate comes from the Latin word denigrare, which means “to blacken.” To sully or defame someone’s reputation, or to spread negative or hurtful information about a company or a situation, is to denigrate it. Your neighbors may denigrate your proposal for mandatory recycling in an attempt to stop your plan. Denigrate can also mean that you’re making something seem less important, like when your brother tries to denigrate your athletic achievements.
动词 denigrate 来自拉丁语 denigrare,意思是“变黑”。玷污或诽谤某人的名誉,或散布有关公司或情况的负面或有害信息,都属于诽谤。您的邻居可能会诋毁您的强制回收建议,以试图阻止您的计划。诋毁也可能意味着您让某些事情看起来不那么重要,例如当您的兄弟试图诋毁您的运动成绩时。

In his public statements, Mr. Gelb has consistently praised the artists and technicians at the Met, whereas many company members have denigrated their boss as overbearing and clueless.
Let’s Talk About Risk at the Metropolitan Opera by Anthony Tommasini

And they don’t denigrate that person—they honor her.
Middlesex: A Novel by Jeffrey Eugenides

Revered for his contributions to First Amendment jurisprudence, Holmes nonetheless denigrated those whose views he would protect as “poor and puny anonymities.”
The Many Contradictions of Oliver Wendell Holmes by ???

denigrate (v.)1520s, "to sully or stain" (the reputation, character, etc.), from Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare "to blacken; to defame," from de- "completely" (see de-) + nigr-, stem of niger "black" (see Negro), which is of unknown origin.The figurative sense is oldest in English; the literal sense of "blacken, make black" is recorded from 1620s. But denigrate as a past-participle adjective meaning "darkened, discolored" is attested from early 15c. "Apparently disused in 18th c. and revived in 19th c." [OED]. Related: Denigrated; denigrating.Related entries & more 

denigrate (v.)1520s,“玷污或玷污”(声誉、性格等),来自拉丁语 denigratus,denigrare 的过去分词“变黑;诽谤”,来自 de-“完全”(参见 de-) + nigr-,尼日尔“黑色”的词干(参见 Negro),来源不明。比喻意义在英语中最古老; “blacken, make black”的字面意义是从 1620 年代开始记录的。但 denigrate 作为过去分词形容词,意思是“变暗、变色”,这在 15 世纪初得到证实。 “显然在 18 世纪废弃,并在 19 世纪复兴。” [牛津英语词典]。相关:诋毁;诋毁。相关条目及更多

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