“Attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation and should be universally condemned,” spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement.
—Washington Post
But retroactive forgiveness of extant student debt was anathema in mainstream Democratic policy circles, where the party’s economists viewed it as a radical step with little precedent.
—Washington Post
White House spokesman Andrew Bates said Mr Trump’s comments were "anathema to the soul of our nation".
a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication
n. 诅咒;革出教门;被诅咒者;令人厌恶的人
bete noire,horror
Something that one absolutely and positively cannot stand is anathema. Garlic is anathema to vampires (ditto for stakes and daylight). So is kryptonite to Superman or a silver bullet to a werewolf.
Originally the term anathema comes from the Catholic practice of denouncing a particular individual or idea that was antithetical to the Catholic Church. If done to a person, it excommunicated them, meaning they could no longer partake in the church’s sacraments (with presumably pretty poor consequences for the soul.) That’s a lot worse than kryptonite.
“Any imputation of racism is anathema and therefore I must be exorcised.”
—Obscure Musicology Journal Sparks Battles Over Race and Free Speech by ???
But the main windows there face southeast toward Grand Avenue — and the harsh morning light that is anathema to viewing art.
—Architecture Review: Not All Sweetness in a Honeycomb Museum by NICOLAI OUROUSSOFF
You just used two phrases — ‘more commercial’ and ‘more mainstream’ — that are usually anathema to indie rockers.
—Tegan and Sara’s Tegan Quin on the Group’s New Sound and Getting in Touch with Their Inner Cindi Lauper by Melissa Locker
anathema (n.)1520s, "an accursed thing," from Latin anathema "an excommunicated person; the curse of excommunication," from Ecclesiastical Greek anathema "a thing accursed," a slight variation of classical Greek anathama, which meant merely "a thing devoted," literally "a thing set up (to the gods)," such as a votive offering in a temple, from ana "up" (see ana-) + tithenai "to put, to place" (from reduplicated form of PIE root dhe- "to set, put").By the time it reached Late Latin the meaning of the Greek word had progressed through "thing devoted to evil," to "thing accursed or damned." Later it was applied to persons and the Divine Curse. The meaning "act or formula of excommunicating and consigning to damnation by ecclesiastical authority" is from 1610s.Anathema maranatha, taken as an intensified form, is held to be a misreading of I Corinthians xvi.22 where anathema is followed by Aramaic maran atha "Our Lord hath come" (see Maranatha).Related entries & more
anathema (n.)1520s,“被诅咒的东西”,来自拉丁语 anathema “被逐出教会的人;被逐出教会的诅咒”,来自教会希腊语 anathema “被诅咒的东西”,是古典希腊语 anaathama 的轻微变体,意思仅仅是“一个奉献的东西”,字面意思是“(献给神的)东西”,例如寺庙中的还愿祭,来自 ana“向上”(见 ana-)+ tithenai“放置,放置”(来自重复形式PIE 词根 dhe-“设置,放置”)。到晚期拉丁语时,希腊词的含义已经从“致力于邪恶的事物”发展为“被诅咒或诅咒的事物”。后来它被应用于人和神圣的诅咒。意思是“由教会权威逐出教会并交付诅咒的行为或公式”来自 1610 年代。Anathema maranatha 作为一种强化形式,被认为是对 I Corinthians xvi.22 的误读,其中 anathema 之后是亚拉姆语 maran atha“我们的主来了”(见 Maranatha)。相关条目及更多
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