单词详解 | apparel

英音/ əˈpærəl / 美音/ əˈpærəl /


Some Tunisian activists wrote posts on social media offering support to sub-Saharan immigrants, while a prominent professional soccer team released “Africa” themed apparel.
Washington Post

“Some folks are burned out on outrage,” said Rebecca Lee Funk, the Washington-based founder of the Outrage, a progressive activism group and a purveyor of resistance-era apparel.
“有些人因愤怒而精疲力尽,”位于华盛顿的 Outrage 创始人丽贝卡·李·芬克 (Rebecca Lee Funk) 说,该组织是一个进步激进主义组织,也是抵抗时代服装的供应商。
New York Times

In three years of searching, she never landed anything more than a $13-an-hour job at the retail store Kohl’s as an apparel supervisor, which did not require a degree.
在三年的寻找过程中,她除了在 Kohl’s 零售店担任服装主管、不需要学位、时薪 13 美元之外,从未找到过任何其他工作。
Washington Post



The noun apparel got its start from the Latin apparare, meaning to “prepare, make ready,” or ad-particulare, meaning “to put things together.” In the mid 13th century it evolved into a verb meaning “to equip.” It wasn’t until the next century that people began to use apparel as both a verb meaning “to attire” and as a noun meaning garments or clothing. Said 17th century British writer Thomas Fuller, “…Apparel shapes: but it’s money that finishes the man.”

The noun apparel got its start from the Latin apparare, meaning to “prepare, make ready,” or ad-particulare, meaning “to put things together.” In the mid 13th century it evolved into a verb meaning “to equip.” It wasn’t until the next century that people began to use apparel as both a verb meaning “to attire” and as a noun meaning garments or clothing. Said 17th century British writer Thomas Fuller, “…Apparel shapes: but it’s money that finishes the man.”
名词“服装”起源于拉丁语“apparare”,意思是“准备、做好准备”,或者是“ad-pspeciale”,意思是“把东西放在一起”。在 13 世纪中叶,它演变成一个动词,意思是“装备”。直到下个世纪,人们才开始使用服装作为动词,意为“着装”,并作为名词,意为服装或衣服。 17 世纪英国作家托马斯·富勒 (Thomas Fuller) 说道:“……服装造型:但金钱决定了男人的面貌。”

However, to please her, I allowed Sophie to apparel her in one of her short, full muslin frocks.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Cluny’s personal armorer put the final touches to his Chief’s war apparel.
Redwall by Brian Jacques

His apparel consisted generally of a tunic of cotton cloth, short-sleeved, and not too long; together with a cloak, four cubits long and two wide, woven in the Uman region.
The Life of Mohammad
The Prophet of Allah by Dinet, Etienne

apparel (v.)late 13c., appareillen, “prepare, make preparations;” late 14c., “to equip, provide with proper clothing; dress or dress up,” from Old French apareillier “prepare, make (someone) ready, dress (oneself),” 12c., Modern French appareiller, from Vulgar Latin *appariculare.
This is either from Latin apparare “prepare, make ready” (see apparatus), or from Vulgar Latin *ad-particulare “to put things together,” from Latin particula “little bit or part, grain, jot” (see particle (n.)). “The 15th c. spellings were almost endless” [OED].
By either derivation the sense is etymologically “to join like to like, to fit, to suit.” Compare French habiller “to dress,” originally “prepare, arrange,” English dress, from Latin directus. The words were “specially applied to clothing, as the necessary preparation for every kind of action” [Wedgwood, “A Dictionary of English Etymology,” 1859].
Cognate with Italian aparecchiare, Spanish aparejar, Portuguese aparelhar. Related: Appareled; apparelled; appareling; apparelling.Related entries & more

服装 (v.)late 13c., appareillen, “准备,做好准备;” 14世纪末,“装备,提供适当的衣服;打扮或装扮”,源自古法语 apareillier “准备,使(某人)准备好,穿着(自己)”,12世纪,现代法语 appareiller,源自通俗拉丁语 *appariclee 。这要么来自拉丁语 apparare“准备,做好准备”(参见仪器),要么来自通俗拉丁语*ad-pspeciale“将东西放在一起”,来自拉丁语分词“一点点或部分,颗粒,点”(参见助词(n) .))。 “15世纪的拼写几乎是无穷无尽的”[OED]。通过这两种派生,其含义在词源上都是“加入喜欢、适合、适合”。比较法语 habiller “穿着”,最初是“准备、安排”,英语 dress 源自拉丁语 directus。这些词“特别适用于服装,作为每种行动的必要准备”[Wedgwood,“英语词源词典”,1859]。与意大利语 aparecchiare、西班牙语 aparejar、葡萄牙语 aparelhar 同源。相关:穿着;衣冠楚楚;服装;服装。相关条目及更多

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