When a wounded Musk learned that President Biden’s tweet about the Super Bowl was outperforming his own, he reportedly set engineers to the all-important task of boosting his missives above everyone else’s.
—Washington Post
Young Americans are using online tools to mobilize voters and send millions of missives to Congress.
—New York Times
But he has stuck with Truth Social, the Twitter lookalike he launched after he was suspended from Twitter and Facebook, to post a daily stream of missives. announcements and re-posts.
但他一直坚持使用 Truth Social,这是他在 Twitter 和 Facebook 被停职后推出的一个与 Twitter 类似的网站,每天都会发布信息。公告和重新发布。
—Washington Times
The noun missive comes from the Latin word missus, meaning “to send.” You may have heard the phrase, “fire off a missive,” meaning a note, memo or dispatch that was written and sent with urgency and conveyed an important message. It might have been a missive sent from a commander to the troops, telling them of a change in the battle plan. Or, maybe it was an urgent love letter to the commander’s wife back home, telling her to tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree…
The noun missive comes from the Latin word missus, meaning “to send.” You may have heard the phrase, “fire off a missive,” meaning a note, memo or dispatch that was written and sent with urgency and conveyed an important message. It might have been a missive sent from a commander to the troops, telling them of a change in the battle plan. Or, maybe it was an urgent love letter to the commander’s wife back home, telling her to tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree…
名词“missive”源自拉丁语“missus”,意思是“发送”。您可能听说过“fire off a letter”这句话,意思是紧急书写和发送并传达重要信息的便条、备忘录或急件。这可能是指挥官发给部队的一封信,告诉他们作战计划发生了变化。或者,也许这是一封写给家乡指挥官妻子的紧急情书,告诉她在老橡树上系一条黄丝带……
These missives had been found a little inconvenient to manipulate and it was resolved, therefore, to exclude them.
—The History of the Post Office
From Its Establishment Down to 1836 by Joyce, Herbert
I got your big envelope on Thursday at the hotel, and your two other missives here this morning.
—The Letters of William James, Vol. II by James, William
Full of their new project, they all flew to write their letters of invitation, and within an hour the six missives were ready, and Leicester volunteered to row over to Woodville with them.
—The Dorrance Domain by Wells, Carolyn
missive (n.)by c. 1500, “a written message sent by superior authority; a commandment,” noun use of the adjective (mid-15c.) meaning “sent by superior authority” (in phrase lettres missives) from Medieval Latin missivus “for sending, sent,” especially in littera missiva “letters sent,” from Latin missus, past participle of mittere “to send” (see mission).Related entries & more
c. 信件 (n.) 1500,“由上级权威发送的书面信息;诫命”,名词使用形容词(15世纪中期),意思是“由上级权威发送”(短语lettres missives)来自中世纪拉丁语missivus“用于发送,发送,”尤其是在 littera missiva 中“发送的信件”,源自拉丁语 missus,mittere 的过去分词“发送”(参见任务)。相关条目及更多
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