英音/ ˈpenənt / 美音/ ˈpenənt /
The year of Wills’s National League MVP award, 1962, was marked by an incredible pennant race between the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants, ending with a Giants victory in a three-game playoff.
1962 年,威尔斯获得国家联盟 MVP 的那一年,洛杉矶道奇队和旧金山巨人队之间展开了令人难以置信的锦旗争夺战,最终巨人队在三场季后赛中获胜。
—Washington Post
Confetti blanketed the entrance of the Ashburn station as cheery Metro workers handed out commemorative pennants.
—Washington Post
“No such flag or pennant may be placed above the flag of the United States or to the United States flag’s right.”
—Seattle Times
a flag longer than it is wide (and often tapering)
Nautical pennants were the original triangular or tapered flags, and they are still flown on most active warships. Sporting pennants also have a long history, and were once commonly given as prizes or trophies and waved by fans in the stands at high school and college sporting events. Sports teams can still win a pennant, but pennants are often purchased as souvenirs at games and wind up on fans’ walls.
Nautical pennants were the original triangular or tapered flags, and they are still flown on most active warships. Sporting pennants also have a long history, and were once commonly given as prizes or trophies and waved by fans in the stands at high school and college sporting events. Sports teams can still win a pennant, but pennants are often purchased as souvenirs at games and wind up on fans’ walls.
“Okay, try this one: How many American League pennants did the Yankees win under Casey Stengel?”
—Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt
He lit the cigar and blew a long pennant of smoke to the ceiling.
—The Great Santini by Pat Conroy
And so she missed the crucial game—the game that clinched the pennant for the Dodgers.
—In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson by Bette Bao Lord
pennant (n.)1610s, “a rope for hoisting,” probably a blend or confusion of pendant in the nautical sense of “suspended rope” and pennon “long, narrow flag.” Use for “flag on a warship” is by 1690s; as “flag long in the fly as compared with its hoist,” 1815. The meaning “flag symbolizing a sports championship” (especially baseball) is from 1880; as a synonym for “championship” it is attested by 1915.Related entries & more
pennant (n.)1610s,“用于提升的绳索”,可能是航海意义上的“吊绳”和“长而窄的旗帜”的 pennant 的混合或混淆。 “军舰上的旗帜”的使用是在 1690 年代; 1815 年,“旗帜与升起的旗子相比,在空中飘扬”。“象征体育冠军的旗帜”(尤其是棒球)的含义来自 1880 年;作为“冠军”的同义词,它于 1915 年得到证实。相关条目及更多
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