单词详解 | dice

英音/ daɪs / 美音/ daɪs /


Every day since the trees were planted has been a roll of the dice.
New York Times

With Nathan Lyon hobbling around the boundary, the pitch dormant and the Australia pacers shattered, the tourists had one last throw of the dice.
内森·里昂(Nathan Lyon)在边界上一瘸一拐地走着,球场处于休眠状态,澳大利亚步行者队崩溃了,游客们进行了最后一次掷骰子。

Then the array of detached coils, capacitors, pins and transistors are sieved, sorted, sliced and diced as they move along a conveyor belt.

a small cube with 1 to 6 spots on the six faces; used in gambling to generate random numbers


The noun dice is the plural form of the singular die. Although many people use the word dice when they’re talking about a single die, it’s actually only correct to call two or more of the dotted cubes dice. You can also use the word as a verb to mean “chop into tiny pieces or cubes.” You might, for example, read a recipe instruction that says: “Dice three tomatoes.”
骰子是玩 Yahtzee 或 Monopoly 时掷的东西;它们是两个立方体,每侧都标有代表数字一到六的点。

The noun dice is the plural form of the singular die. Although many people use the word dice when they’re talking about a single die, it’s actually only correct to call two or more of the dotted cubes dice. You can also use the word as a verb to mean “chop into tiny pieces or cubes.” You might, for example, read a recipe instruction that says: “Dice three tomatoes.”
名词 dice 是单数 die 的复数形式。尽管许多人在谈论单个骰子时使用“骰子”一词,但实际上只有将两个或多个虚线立方体称为骰子才是正确的。您也可以使用该词作为动词,表示“切成小块或立方体”。例如,您可能会读到一份食谱说明:“将三个西红柿切成丁。”

“Look—if you were playing Mr. Lemoncello’s Family Frenzy and the first and second time you rolled the dice, you landed on Sewer Repairs and Dog Pound, would you quit?”
Mr. Lemoncello’s Library Olympics by Chris Grabenstein

They had got my parents doing things like taking bus trips to factory outlets and playing a dice game called “bunko” and hanging around the piano bar at the Ramada Inn.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt

So we rolled poker dice out of a deep leather dice-cup.
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

dice (n.)plural of die (n.), early 14c., des, dys, plural of dy, altered 14c. to dyse, dyce, and 15c. to dice. “As in pence, the plural s retains its original breath sound, probably because these words were not felt as ordinary plurals, but as collective words” [OED]. Sometimes used as singular 1400-1700. Dice-box “box from which dice are thrown in gaming” is from 1550s.Related entries & more

dice (n.)die (n.) 的复数,14c 早期,des,dy,dy 的复数,14c 更改。 dise、dyce 和 15c。骰子。 “就像便士一样,复数 s 保留了原来的呼吸音,可能是因为这些词不被认为是普通的复数,而是作为集体词”[OED]。有时用作单数 1400-1700。骰子盒“游戏中扔骰子的盒子”来自 1550 年代。相关条目及更多

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