英音/ əˌfɪliˈeɪʃ(ə)n / 美音/ əˌfɪliˈeɪʃ(ə)n /
Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, reported “virulent antisemitic slurs” in a statement on Saturday that accused “professional organisers with no affiliation to Northeastern” of infiltrating a student protest.
But partisan affiliation patterns do offer clues to help understand how the shifting coalitions over the last quarter century have shaped recent political outcomes.
—New York Times
Israel previously said it was seeking to cooperate with clan leaders in Gaza without affiliation to the PA or Hamas.
the act of becoming formally connected or joined
You can be connected to all sorts of things, but to have an affiliation is to have an official connection. A local church might have an affiliation with a larger religious organization. A bunch of small groups might share an affiliation with a larger one, as in the case of baseball teams and the leagues they belong to. Often you’ll hear politicians denying any affiliation with certain groups, places, or companies, because they want to appear neutral. If you have an affiliation with something, you’re likely to pay it extra attention.
You can be connected to all sorts of things, but to have an affiliation is to have an official connection. A local church might have an affiliation with a larger religious organization. A bunch of small groups might share an affiliation with a larger one, as in the case of baseball teams and the leagues they belong to. Often you’ll hear politicians denying any affiliation with certain groups, places, or companies, because they want to appear neutral. If you have an affiliation with something, you’re likely to pay it extra attention.
With this body of files we could sift and sort through the population of the district by gender, race, ethnicity, party affiliation, occupation.
—Native Speaker by Chang-rae Lee
To meet someone with so impressive an affiliation and so little understanding was depressing.
—Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
I wanted these young men to see that the ANC was a great tent that could accommodate many different views and affiliations.
—Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
affiliation (n.)1751, “adoption,” from French affiliation, from Medieval Latin affiliationem (nominative affiliatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin affiliare “to adopt as a son,” from ad “to” (see ad-) + filius “son” (see filial).
The figurative sense of “adoption by a society,” in reference to a local chapter or branch, is recorded by 1799 (the verb affiliate in a related sense is from 1761). The meaning “friendship, relationship, association” is by 1852.Related entries & more
affiliation (n.)1751,“收养”,源自法语 affiliation,源自中世纪拉丁语 affiliationem(主格 affiliatio),动作名词,源自拉丁语 affiliare 的过去分词词干“收养为儿子”,源自 ad“到”(参见ad-) + filius“儿子”(见孝顺)。 “被社会采用”的比喻意义是指当地的分会或分支机构,记录于 1799 年(相关意义的动词附属是从 1761 年开始的)。 1852 年,“友谊、关系、交往”的含义出现。相关条目及更多
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