单词详解 | confer

Shot of two businesspeople shaking hands in a meeting
Shot of two businesspeople shaking hands in a meeting

英音/ kənˈfɜː(r) / 美音/ kənˈfɜːr /


“A wish to uphold the public interest in maintaining accurate records of births does not confer a personal interest in the determination of such an application.”

But the trolling that night was so egregious that Mattison, after conferring with a trusted friend and fellow Black teammate, decided to push back and share some screen shots.
Washington Times

Mr. Trump’s legal team filed the mistrial request this week and accused Judge Engoron of displaying bias by conferring with his law clerk so much that it appeared the duo were “co-judging” the case.
Washington Times



Many uses of the verb confer involve consulting with another person or as a group. Confer has a second use meaning “bestow,” which means to award or hand over something. You can confer a medal on a winner or hero, or you can confer status through a promotion or assignment. Each year the teacher would confer the special honor of summer hamster-sitter on one responsible student.

Many uses of the verb confer involve consulting with another person or as a group. Confer has a second use meaning “bestow,” which means to award or hand over something. You can confer a medal on a winner or hero, or you can confer status through a promotion or assignment. Each year the teacher would confer the special honor of summer hamster-sitter on one responsible student.
动词“confer”的许多用法涉及与另一个人或作为一个团体进行协商。 Confer 还有第二种用法,意思是“授予”,意思是奖励或移交某物。您可以向获胜者或英雄授予奖章,也可以通过晋升或任务授予地位。每年老师都会授予一位负责任的学生夏季仓鼠保姆的特殊荣誉。

Some wipe their eyes and confer quietly with others near the front of the line.
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

“We’re almost there,” said Seven, conferring with her map by the waning light of the moon and stars.
Witchlings by Claribel A. Ortega

The Suits are conferring with the chief of police.
Internment by Samira Ahmed

confer (v.)1530s, “examine by comparison;” 1540s (intransitive) “consult together on some special subject;” 1560s, “bestow as a gift or permanent possession,” from Old French conférer (14c.) “to give; to converse; to compare,” from Latin conferre “to bring together,” figuratively “to compare; consult, deliberate, talk over,” from assimilated form of com “together” (see con-) + ferre “to bear, carry,” from PIE root *bher- (1) “to carry,” also “to bear children.”
The sense of “taking counsel” led to conference. The oldest English meaning, that of “compare” (common 1530-c. 1650), is largely obsolete, but the abbreviation cf. still is used in this sense. Related: Conferred; conferring.Related entries & more

授予 (v.)1530s,“通过比较进行检查;” 1540s(不及物)“就某个特殊主题共同协商;” 1560年代,“作为礼物或永久占有而给予”,源自古法语conférer (14c.)“给予;交谈;比较”,源自拉丁语conferre“聚集在一起”,象征性地“比较;咨询,深思熟虑,交谈over,来自 com 的同化形式“一起”(参见 con-)+ ferre “承担,携带”,来自 PIE 根 *bher- (1) “携带”,也“生育孩子”。 “听取建议”的感觉导致了会议。最古老的英语含义“比较”(常见于 1530 年至 1650 年)已基本过时,但缩写 cf. still 就是在这个意义上使用的。相关:授予;协商。相关条目及更多

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