单词详解 | aspire

英音/ əˈspaɪə(r) / 美音/ əˈspaɪər /


“It’s not the life I’d aspire to be living,” she says.

The models are influencers and aspiring politicians familiar to the very online pro-Trump right.
New York Times

Jade Andrade, 30, who aspires to work in paediatric medicine, was thrilled for herself and her classmates.
30 岁的杰德·安德拉德 (Jade Andrade) 立志从事儿科医学工作,她为自己和同学感到兴奋。

have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

aim,draw a bead on,shoot for

The verb aspire commonly means to aim or shoot for. But it comes from the Latin word aspirare, which means “to breathe upon.” So here’s a trick for remembering this word: Think of yourself reaching up towards a spire, that really tall, tapered structure at the top of a church. Or, if you’re in a poetic mood, imagine your wish as a feather that moves forward when you blow on it.

The verb aspire commonly means to aim or shoot for. But it comes from the Latin word aspirare, which means “to breathe upon.” So here’s a trick for remembering this word: Think of yourself reaching up towards a spire, that really tall, tapered structure at the top of a church. Or, if you’re in a poetic mood, imagine your wish as a feather that moves forward when you blow on it.
动词 aspire 通常意味着瞄准或射击。但它来自拉丁语 aspirare,意思是“呼吸”。所以这里有一个记住这个词的技巧:想象一下你自己伸向尖塔,那是教堂顶部非常高的锥形结构。或者,如果您处于诗意的心情,请将您的愿望想象成一根羽毛,当您吹气时它会向前移动。

“No, you aspire to design your outfit and be like me, your fashion hero,” says Cinna.
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Hina is ten years younger than Mom, has short hair, a zillion funky pairs of eyeglasses, is this amazing graphic designer and cool in ways I can only aspire to.
Hina 比妈妈小十岁,留着短发,戴着无数副时髦的眼镜,是一位令人惊叹的平面设计师,而且酷得我只能向往。
Love, Hate & Other Filters by Samira Ahmed

The usual suspects: crazed fans, wannabe disciples, and aspiring bounty hunters.
Ready Player One: A Novel by Ernest Cline

aspire (v.)”strive for, seek eagerly to attain, long to reach,” c. 1400, aspiren, from Old French aspirer “aspire to; inspire; breathe, breathe on” (12c.), from Latin aspirare “to breathe upon, blow upon, to breathe,” also, in transferred senses, “to be favorable to, assist; to climb up to, to endeavor to obtain, to reach to, to seek to reach; infuse,” from ad “to” (see ad-) + spirare “to breathe” (see spirit (n.)).
The notion is of “panting with desire,” or perhaps of rising smoke. The literal sense of “breathe, exhale” (1530s) is rare in English. Related: Aspired; aspiring.Related entries & more

aspire (v.)“努力争取、热切地寻求实现、渴望达到” c. 1400,aspiren,源自古法语 aspirer “渴望;激发;呼吸,呼吸”(12c.),源自拉丁语 aspirare“呼吸,吹气,呼吸”,在转移的意义上,“有利于,协助;攀登,努力获得,达到,寻求达到;”源自ad“到”(参见ad-)+spirare“呼吸”(参见spirit(n.))。这个概念是“因欲望而喘息”,或者可能是升腾的烟雾。 “呼吸,呼气”(1530 年代)的字面意义在英语中很少见。相关:有抱负;有抱负。相关条目及更多

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